Catalysts for Asymmetric Reductive Amination
–Ir-PSA series–


 Kanto Chemical has developed novel asymmetric reductive amination catalysts, Ir-PSA for preparation of optically active amines.
  Optically active amines are important compounds such as intermediates of pharmaceuticals. Conventional methods for synthesis of optically active amines include optical resolution of racemic amines and enantioselective or diastereoselective reduction of pre-prepared imines. These were not efficient methods due to low yield, long steps and poor functional group tolerance. Therefore, we improved our original reductive amination catalysts (Ir-PA, Ir-QN) into asymmetric catalysts (Ir-PSA) and developed an efficient method for preparation of optically active amines. In this method, combination of chiral Ir-PSA and an inexpensive aminoalcohol-based chiral auxiliary enables efficient asymmetric reductive amination of ketones to afford corresponding optically active amines in high yield and high stereoselectivity. It is especially effective for amines that are difficult to obtain by conventional asymmetric synthesis. And the aminoalcohol moiety can be easily and quantitatively removed under mild oxidative conditions. This method is a practical reaction with excellent functional group tolerance. Ir-PSA are available in both S and R enantiomers. Ir-PSA18 is especially effective for the asymmetric reductive amination of phenylacetones, and Ir-PSA36 is effective for the 2-tetralones.

Reaction examples by Ir-PSA18

Reaction examples by Ir-PSA36

Comparison with other asymmetric reductive aminations

 This method exhibits superior stereoselectivity compared to sodium borohydride reduction and Pd catalytic hydrogenation.

Application to Rotigotine intermediate synthesis

 The optical purity can be easily increased by recrystallization of the diastereomeric intermediate.

Application to Tamsulosin intermediate synthesis

 Process shortening and cost reduction can be expected in optically active amine synthesis.

Product list

Product Product Grade Product No. Package
for asymmetric synthesis 07060-68 100mg
for asymmetric synthesis 07071-68 100mg
for asymmetric synthesis 07658-68 100mg
for asymmetric synthesis 07035-68 100mg
L-Valinol   44078-32
44078-52 5g
(R)-(-)-2-Amino-3-methyl-1-butanol   42247-2A 5g
(S)-(+)-Phenylglycinol   30757-1A 1g
D(-)-α- Phenylglycinol   18382-1A 5g
NaIO4 Sodium periodate Guaranteed reagent for JIS 37233-00 500g
37233-20 100g
37233-30 25g
H5IO6 Orthoperiodic acid Guaranteed reagent 32061-30 25g
(S)-2-Amino-5-methoxytetralin hydrochloride for asymmetric synthesis 01770-55 5g
(S)-2-Amino-5-methoxytetralin (S)-mandelate for asymmetric synthesis 01769-55 5g

Patent application by Kanto Chemical Co.

Application number

  • WO2014175267
  • JP2022-075375
  • JP2022-075379

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        The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 87(13), 8458-8468(2022)

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