3 articles in total

Label: Saudi Arabia VPS

 Saudi VPS recommendation: cloudsigma, starting from $15/month, ECS supports custom arbitrary configuration - foreign host evaluation

Saudi VPS recommendation: cloudsigma, from $15/month, ECS supports custom arbitrary configuration

Cloudsigma has its own data center in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, which provides public Saudi cloud server (Saudi Arabia vps) services. A single VM of cloudsigma's Saudi cloud server supports up to 128G of memory, 40 cores, Linux and paid version of Windo

 99stack: ECS is as low as $8/month, and data centers are distributed in 17 countries including Japan, South Korea, the United States and the Netherlands - foreign host evaluation

99stack: ECS is as low as $8/month, and data centers are distributed in 17 countries, including Japan, South Korea, the United States, and the Netherlands

99stack, a cloud server brand founded in Sweden in 2016, mainly operates cloud servers (including exclusive resources), block storage, and data centers are distributed in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India, the Philippines, the United States, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ireland& n...

 Cloudsigma: high-speed VPS, 11 machine rooms in Philippines/Saudi Arabia, etc., with a minimum flow of 5T - foreign host evaluation

Cloudsigma: high-speed VPS, 11 machine rooms in Philippines/Saudi Arabia, etc., with a minimum flow of 5T

Cloudsigma: a Swiss merchant, established in 2009, mainly operates "virtual machine/VPS", employs more than 50 people, has 11 data centers, and has passed the ISO 27001 Certified Public Cloud certification. Cloudsigma is recommended mainly because the Philippine Manila machine room, domestic telecommunications