Super bandwidth server

Large bandwidth server, 10Gbps bandwidth server, large bandwidth server in America, large bandwidth server in Europe, large bandwidth server in Japan and Hong Kong, unlimited traffic server, direct connection to large bandwidth server, suitable for running traffic, without filing! Contact the webmaster: , San Jose, 10Gbps access, three networks direct connection, mainland optimization

Founded in 2000, it has set up its own computer rooms in California and Silicon Valley to mainly operate the rental and equipment hosting of independent servers in the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, virtual machine, 300GbpsDDoS advanced defense, network access and other services. At present, the network includes: international BGP, mainland China optimization, boutique network (CN2+BGP), CN2 ONL (three networks pure CN2 gia) and other high-end optimization lines especially for China. A single machine supports up to 10Gbps bandwidth (including unlimited traffic), 300Gbps advanced anti DDoS, multiple server components intranet, and free CC defense. Additional cluster servers, GPU servers, CDN servers, and 10Gbps bandwidth servers supporting multiple IP segments, Poke here The latest discount, please contact the webmaster! , Los Angeles, 10Gbps access, three networks direct connection

Founded in 2003, it is famous for its ddos defense. It has data centers in Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Amsterdam. It focuses on independent server rental and hosting business. The Los Angeles computer room is fully connected to China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, and has direct connections. Its domestic access speed is fast. In particular, Los Angeles provides 10Gbps bandwidth, and does not limit traffic. It supports PayPal, Alipay, and other payments. 10Gbps server, Check here If you need a discount code, please contact the webmaster QQ! , 31 machine rooms worldwide, with a maximum bandwidth of 100Gbps

Founded in 2011, it is registered in Luxembourg. Its main businesses include CDN, independent server, streaming media, and data centers covering Miami, Ashburn, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Seoul, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, India, Russia (Far East Boli, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk Border Region), Singapore, the Netherlands (Amsterdam) Among them, the Dutch machine room provides 10Gbps and 100Gbps unlimited flow. Official website: , 17 machine rooms worldwide, 20Gbps bandwidth

Established in 2014, the network host company is mainly known for providing servers with super bandwidth and super traffic. The data centers currently operating are: Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Atlanta, Chicago, Frankfurt, London, Spain (Madrid,), Miami, New York, Paris, Czech Republic (Prague), Sweden (Stockholm, Sweden) Austria (Vienna), Warsaw, Dallas, Singapore and Tokyo. The following options are available for bandwidth and traffic: 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 5Gbps, 10Gbps, 20Gbps. There is no limit on traffic. You can choose your own according to the project requirements. , 10Gbps bandwidth, San Jose/Dallas

The independent server brand of MET, established in 1994, mainly operates independent servers in Dallas and San Jose computer rooms in the United States, and is connected to 10Gbps. By default, the servers are automatically delivered within 30 minutes. Users can restart and reinstall the system in the background without manual intervention. Each server can choose the bandwidth when placing an order, and the maximum is 10Gbps. 100M bandwidth~10Gbps exclusive bandwidth, unlimited traffic promotion, check here! , Los Angeles+New Jersey, USA, 10Gbps bandwidth

Currently, the relatively popular cheap VPS merchants also have a large number of independent server businesses, including 10Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic independent servers in Los Angeles on the west coast and New Jersey on the east coast of the United States. The hardware is relatively new! In addition, the company also provides station cluster servers, AMD series high-end servers, etc! , 10Gbps access, North Carolina

H4Y Technologies LLC, an old brand merchant established in 1999, its iwfhosting business includes: virtual hosting, distribution, VPS, machine hosting, and independent server leasing. Their North Carolina machine room provides 10Gbps bandwidth independent servers, which are quite cheap. They can choose what they need with more tearful demands. 10Gbps bandwidth server, Poke here , Germany, the United States, 10Gbps access

German merchants established in 2003 built two computer rooms in Munich and Helenburg, Germany. Their main business is server rental and hosting. The default server is 1Gbps bandwidth and unlimited traffic. If they think it is not enough, they can add an additional 99 euros every month to upgrade to 10Gbps and unlimited traffic. Website: