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Label: Singapore Bare Metal Cloud

 #Bare metal cloud # raksmart: $49/month, Hong Kong/Japan/Singapore/America, e5-2620/32g memory/1t hard disk/100M bandwidth, unlimited traffic, three networks optimization, high-speed direct connection to the mainland - foreign host evaluation

#Bare metal cloud # raksmart: $49/month, Hong Kong/Japan/Singapore/America, e5-2620/32g memory/1t hard disk/100M bandwidth, unlimited traffic, three networks optimization, high-speed direct connection to the mainland

Raksmart launched the Asian bare metal cloud service for those users who need large bandwidth+unlimited traffic Asian servers (Hong Kong servers, Japanese servers, Singapore servers). The default bandwidth is 100Mbps, and there is no limit on traffic. The three networks are optimized to connect directly to the mainland of China, and the speed is fast... Special note: bare metal cloud is still cloud in essence