Amazon has been maligned by its peers and competed maliciously, which has made me now in a precarious situation. I can't swallow this. What should I do in this situation?

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Amazon has been maligned by its peers. It's really disgusting. There's no way out now. I can't bear it anymore. You don't make me feel better, and I don't make you feel comfortable. Don't even think about it. What else can I do in this situation?
Is there any big guy who has a bad intermediary and service provider? I have to fight back against him
The service provider recommended by the last bad review: newlsw. It has cooperated several times, but the cost is not very high, and the effect is reliable.

In addition, other counterattack operations refer to:
Cross site modification, brand tampering, link editing rights
If the other party doesn't have a branded product, they can test and complain about counterfeiting

Get a WeChat account and find some unreliable and risky evaluation intermediary service providers, because the buyer number of these intermediaries may be self-supporting or machine swiping. Use these numbers to counterattack orders, swipe free of comments, and place orders by stealing credit cards. If there is a risk, the other store will be punished for fraud
Reference for counterattack on bad comments:

Add sensitive words (offline review), such as pesticides, adult products, pesticide N95 and so on (refer to the attachment), and upload them across sites.
Or serious infringement words (trigger TRO), such as recent infringement cases: RobeCurls curly hair band, CRY BABIES dolls, Marilyn Monroe, these keywords.

If the other party has a brand record, it can rush to register other types of trademarks. To complain about brand abuse.

Find a service to maliciously consume the advertising space of the other party, place an order and return the goods, cancel the order, brush the one star feedback, complain about the security problems of the products, and complain about the counterfeiting of UPC/EAN (generally there are problems with what Taobao buys)
The service provider recommended by the last bad review: newlsw. It has cooperated several times, but the cost is not very high, and the effect is reliable.

In addition, other counterattack operations refer to:
Cross site modification, brand tampering, link editing rights
If the other party doesn't have a branded product, they can test and complain about counterfeiting

Get a WeChat account and find some unreliable and risky evaluation intermediary service providers, because the buyer number of these intermediaries may be self-supporting or machine swiping. Use these numbers to counterattack orders, swipe free of comments, and place orders by stealing credit cards. If there is a risk, the other store will be punished for fraud
Reference for counterattack on bad comments:

Add sensitive words (offline review), such as pesticides, adult products, pesticide N95 and so on (refer to the attachment), and upload them across sites.
Or serious infringement words (trigger TRO), such as recent infringement cases: RobeCurls curly hair band, CRY BABIES dolls, Marilyn Monroe, these keywords.

If the other party has a brand record, it can rush to register other types of trademarks. To complain about brand abuse.

Find a service to maliciously consume the advertising space of the other party, place an order and return the goods, cancel the order, brush the one star feedback, complain about the security problems of the products, and complain about the counterfeiting of UPC/EAN (generally there are problems with what Taobao buys)

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