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Alibaba Cloud's 2018 Double 12 Server Special is coming to an end How to choose

2018 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Server Special Offer On December 27, the penultimate day, we had almost bought what we should have bought. What we didn't buy was that we didn't know about the event or had been hesitating to buy. Weiaisi Blog has always used Alibaba Cloud servers for business. In the process of long-term use, we also learned that Alibaba Cloud products, which rank first in China's cloud products, are commendable for their stability and speed.

1. The following is a list of some configurations that participated in this activity. Because the official will often adjust the configuration, not all configurations are available here. For example, the latest Tianji shared xn4 instance with 1 core and 1G memory was not added here by Lao Wei. You can click the following link to go to the official page to see the latest activity model.

2. How to select

Let's take a look at the models recommended in the activity. As shown in the figure below, the shared xn4 model with one core and 1GB of memory costs 708 yuan/3 years and 277 yuan/1 year. Exclusive 2-core 4G memory 2160 yuan/3 years, 720 yuan/1 year. If you plan to do business for a long time, Lao Wei recommends you to buy it directly for 3 years. On the surface, the price is the same from three years to every year. In fact, if you only buy a one-year package, the renewal fee in the second year is much more expensive than that in the first year. So if you have a plan, you can buy it for three years, which also saves money.

There is no recommended burst performance t5 instance. Please go to Alibaba Cloud t5 instance with burst performance should be carefully used for long-term site establishment and Windows remote desktop

How to choose Laowei has also been mentioned in the article.

If the daily website visits are less than 5000pv, it is OK to choose a 1M bandwidth, 1-core and 1G memory server.

For tens of thousands of PVs, consider a server with two cores and 4G memory. At the same time, the bandwidth should be appropriately increased to 2M and 3M, depending on the actual situation.

Every day, about 100000 PVs are directly connected to a 4-core 8G memory server, and the bandwidth starts at 5M. At the same time, Alibaba Cloud CDN, Alibaba Cloud object storage and Alibaba Cloud databases are used to speed up the opening of websites and improve the user experience.

If you need, you should hurry up the last two days to buy what you should buy. After this village, you will not have this opportunity. Usually these configurations are not so affordable. And there is only one chance in a year. If you miss it, you will have to buy it early next year.

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Article name: How to choose AliCloud's 2018 Double 12 Server Special Event is coming to an end
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12118.html
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