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RackNerd's annual payment for new European and French computer rooms is as low as $17.98

RackNerd service provider We should be relatively familiar with overseas service providers who often provide special annual VPS hosts. Previously, the low-cost annual VPS hosts were mainly American computer rooms, which were not newly added to the French computer rooms in Europe. Instead, they used 1G bandwidth. The 3TB traffic package started, and the annual payment price also had a special price of $17.98.

French computer room package:

CPU Memory SSD Bandwidth traffic Price purchase
1 core 1G 20G 1Gbps@3T $17.98/year link
1 core 2G 30G 1Gbps@4T $24.89/year link
2 cores 4G 50G 1Gbps@6T $44.59/year link

French machine room test IP:

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Reprint reservation: Old Tribe » RackNerd's annual payment for new European and French computer rooms is as low as $17.98

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