"Cloud storage", or "online storage service", is a service launched by cloud service providers, which allows users to store data on multiple virtual servers hosted by a third party instead of a separate server one For our small bloggers, cloud storage has unique advantages over their small servers: stable, affordable, and extremely low data loss rate. (Of course, such a great thing is only available to registered users in China.) Therefore, we can use cloud storage, together with the management tools provided by cloud service providers, to build our own image library.

I am using cloud storage to host images. First, in order to reduce the load on the server and reduce the backup volume of blog data (original pictures need to be kept locally for backup); The second is to accelerate the images stored in cloud storage with the CDN provided by cloud service providers. I have used the cloud storage services of Youpai Cloud and Tencent Cloud. Take Youpai Cloud as an example, because Youpai Cloud costs no money two

Registered Account

First, you need to register a Youpai Cloud account, and you can also apply for the Youpai Cloud Alliance to obtain free vouchers. Refer to " Access and shoot cloud CDN 」。

After you have a new account, you can get a monthly voucher worth 61 yuan, which can be used as a temporary deduction for consumption.

Create cloud storage service

Then find and enter on the home page cloud storage , create a new service.

Except for the service name that needs to be filled in by yourself, other options can be left unchanged, and you can select the default. But in the "Authorized Operator" step, you need to create a new Operator account In the future, it can be used to manage images on local tools.

Check "readable", "writable" and "deletable" to give this operator all the permissions. Keep your password. After creation, the system will provide a domain name for testing, which can be used to test whether the connection is normal.

Fill in the acceleration domain name

Click "Enter Configuration" and fill in your own domain name Filed domain name , and then go to the domain name resolver to configure the accelerated domain name CNAME three

After the configuration of the acceleration domain name CNAME is completed, the private image library is almost ready for use. However, some settings are required for higher security in the future.

Some other settings

First, open the Browser Cache in Cache Control, and set the cache directory to /* , the cache time is defaulted, and then saved.

Then open Page Compression in Performance Optimization and WebP Adaptation in Cost Control.

Finally, "HTTPS" is the most important link. Enable HTTPS in the HTTPS Configuration at the top. You need to apply for a certificate first.

Click "Certificate Management", enter "SSL Certificate Service Background", select "Purchase Certificate" in the upper right corner, select "Let's Encrypt" certificate, create an order, and confirm payment. After completion, complete the domain name, fill in the domain name bound to Zappon Cloud, wait for approval, return to "HTTPS Configuration", enable the certificate, and enable "HTTPS Connection" and "Enforce HTTPS Access". Then open TLS 1.3 and set the Minimum TLS Version to TLSv1.2.

Local tools manage pictures

1. Another photo of Cloud Explorer

Although you can manage pictures on the web page, it is always good to have a client. Youpaiyun has a resource manager called "manager for upyun". Can be reached GitHub Download, or download Lan Chanyun Backup file for. It can be downloaded without installation and used directly.

Fill in the "operator" account and password created above. The "space name" is the "service name" written by yourself in the step of creating cloud storage, and the "public URL" is the domain name bound to cloud storage. Then save the configuration and click Connect to use it. Is it super simple?

For image saving, it is recommended to use before uploading Compression tool Compress it once, and then classify it according to your own preferences. For example, create by time two thousand and twenty Folder, subdivided below; Or according to the article slug Classification. In the end, everything is up to you.

2. PicGo

If you think it's hard to use it, we can download it PicGo Replace it. coordination Typora As long as PicGo runs in the background, you can upload pictures directly while writing without manual operation.

For specific configuration method, please refer to Official Documents

Online graph bed

Blue empty map bed

Installation process reference Official Documents , here's a use LNMP Problems encountered: HTTP ERROR 500
Because the blue empty map bed uses Thinkphp Frame, site directory in public And cross directory calls are required public For files under the parent directory, LNMP does not allow cross directory access by default, so you need to remove the anti cross directory access setting.
Enter the program directory and set .user.ini Move to public Medium. without .user.ini This file is manually stored in the public Create one in.

 cd /home/wwwroot/lsky mv .user.ini public cd public chattr +i  .user.ini

Use the lnmp installation package again tools Under directory ./remove_open_basedir_restriction.sh Remove.

 cd lnmp1.7/tools ./remove_open_basedir_restriction.sh

fill /home/wwwroot/lsky/public
You can refer to this issue

  1. Wikipedia: cloud storage
  2. The premise of no money is to apply for and shoot Cloud Alliance
  3. Specific reference of the accelerated domain name CNAME Another cloud document