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LibrePlanet 2024: "Cultivating Community" will feature a keynote by David Wilson

byMiriam Bastian Contributions Published onOct 10, 2023 09:29 AM
BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- October 10, 2023 -- The FreeSoftware Foundation (FSF) today announced free softwaredeveloper and video creator David Wilson, as its first keynotespeaker for LibrePlanet 2024, the sixteenth edition of theFSF's conference on ethical technology and user freedom.LibrePlanet will be held in March in the Boston area as well asonline.
LibrePlanet 2024: "Cultivating Community" will feature a keynote by David Wilson

Submit your session for LibrePlanet 2024 by October 25

Video creator David Wilson will keynoteLibrePlanet 2024, thesixteenth edition of the FSF's conference on ethical technology anduser freedom. Wilson created the community and learning resource forcomputer enthusiasts calledSystem Craftersto teach others howto craft their computing experience using free software tools like GNUEmacs and GNU Guix. Program manager Miriam Bastian affirms that Wilsonis a professional community builder and therefore an excellent choiceto keynote the conference, which is themed in 2024 as "CultivatingCommunity." According to executive director Zoë Kooyman the theme inturn is a "fitting follow-up to the celebration of thefortiethanniversaryof theGNU Projectthis year."

Headshot of David Wilson.

In anticipation of keynoting at LibrePlanet 2024, Wilson says: "Let'simagine a bright future to ensure free software thrives for the nextforty years and beyond!"

Wilson acknowledges that the free software movement, for the pastforty years, has been driven by a passionate community of hackers whocare deeply about user freedom and privacy. At the same time, heobserves that "the strategies and tools that software communities useto organize, promote, and execute projects have changedsignificantly." In his talk, Wilson will initiate a discussion on howto cultivate a welcoming community that attracts a new generation ofpassionate users, contributors, and maintainers to free softwareprojects. He will showcase projects that successfully streamlinecontributions while strengthening maintainership and creating afeeling of shared ownership.

About LibrePlanet

LibrePlanet is the annual conference of the FSF. Over the last decade,LibrePlanet has blossomed from a small gathering of FSF associatemembers into a vibrant multi-day event that attracts a broad audienceof people who are interested in the values of software freedom.LibrePlanet 2024: "Cultivating Community" is the sixteenth edition andwill be held on a weekend in March both online and in person in theBoston area. To receive announcements about LibrePlanet 2024, visittheconference websiteand sign up for the email updates.

Speakers of all experience levels are currently invited to submittalks, panels, or workshops for the conference. TheCall forSessionswill be running until October 25, 12:00 EDT (16:00UTC). The registration forLibrePlanet: "Cultivating Community"will open on October 18. Attendance is free of charge to FSFassociate membersand students.

For information on how your company or organization can sponsorLibrePlanet or have a table in the lively and centrally locatedexhibit hall, see theconference website, or send an

About the Free Software Foundation

The FSF, founded in 1985, is dedicated to promoting computer users'right to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computerprograms. The FSF promotes the development and use of free (as infreedom) software -- particularly the GNU operating system and itsGNU/Linux variants -- and free documentation for free software. TheFSF also helps to spread awareness of the ethical and political issuesof freedom in the use of software, and its websites, located athttps://www.fsf.organd, are an importantsource of information about GNU/Linux. Donations to support the FSF'swork can be made at Its headquarters are inBoston, MA, USA.


Miriam Bastian
Program Manager
Free Software Foundation
+1 (617) 542 5942

Image Copyright © 2023, David Wilson, licensed under theCreativeCommons Attribution 4.0 International license.

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