
Tort connection

 The knife is cheap

Website Statement

1. For the purpose of transmitting information, the Daojianjian blog may be mispublished to damage or affect your legitimate rights and interests. Please actively contact us to deal with it;

2. Due to limited time and energy, we cannot verify the authenticity of each message one by one, but we will try our best to verify these information before release;

3. No matter for what purpose, you need to provide relevant proof, otherwise you will not be processed;

Main requirements

4. Whether the infringement of our website or the published content may affect your rights and interests, all deletion and modification requests are only allowed to be applied by the direct obligee;

5. If you want to delete or modify the content, you must first be the direct obligee and must be able to provide relevant supporting documents;

6. Indirect obligees, such as affiliated companies, friends, etc., need to hold the authorization certificate of the direct obligee;

Processing flow

7. Materials required: the supporting documents of the direct obligee, the authorization documents given by the obligee to the handler, and the deletion request documents, all of which need to be stamped with the official seal (please download the attachment at the bottom of this page for documents);

8. After completing the above documents, please print and stamp the official seal and send the scanned copy to: 37737360 # qq.com (# is replaced by @)

9. Note: Only the above mailboxes accept requests for deletion and modification, and only support contact via email (for future verification)


1. In order to ensure the normal operation of our website, we will not deal with any request that cannot provide complete supporting documents. Please understand;

2. Due to limited time and energy, our website will not reply to any request that cannot provide complete supporting documents. Please understand;

3. The website will process the requests that meet the deletion conditions within 72 hours, and we will reply to you by email whether or not the page is deleted according to your requirements;

4. This website does not accept any paid deletion of posts, nor does it authorize any agency to delete posts. Please do not believe any rumors to guard against being cheated!

Model format issued by the National Copyright Administration:

Notice on Request to Delete or Disconnect Infringed Network Content: https://share.weiyun.com/5reVc8d

Instructions for filling in the Notice on Request to Delete or Disconnect Infringed Network Content: http://www.ncac.gov.cn/chinacopyright/contents/574/20879.html

Please fill in the email address sent to Daojianjian Blog according to this notice format. Incomplete information will not be accepted