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How to Match Chinese Characters with Python Regularization

How does Python regular match Chinese characters? In Python, you can use regular expressions to match Chinese characters. The specific methods are as follows:

  1. Import the re module: Before using regular expressions, you need to import the re module.
  2. Use Chinese character set: In regular expressions, Chinese character set can be used to match Chinese characters. The Chinese character set is represented by [ u4E00 -- u9FA5], where u4E00 represents the Unicode code of the first Chinese character "one", and u9FA5 represents the Unicode code of the last Chinese character "".

For example, suppose we want to match the Chinese characters in the string, we can use the following codes:

 import re pattern = re. compile ( r'[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+' ) text = 'Hello World!  Hello, the world! ' result = pattern.findall(text) print (result) #['Hello ',' World ']

In the above code, we first use re.compile() Method to compile the regular expression of the Chinese character set into pattern Object. Then, use the pattern.findall() Method from string text Find all matching Chinese characters in and save them in result Variable. Finally, print out result The value of the variable, you can get all the matching Chinese characters.

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