The flower fades and the red and green apricots are small. When swallows fly, green water surrounds others.

Label: C/CPP

 How to add icons to the C console program
Novice programming

How to add icons to the C console program

Birds on the 15th floor 15 years ago (2009-09-19) 32883 Browse 0 Comments Collection

It's a shame to say that I have learned C language for a long time, but I still stay at the console level. Today, I suddenly want to change an icon for the program, but I can't find where to set it, and there is no form. Where to do it? Baidu Njiu found the following two solutions: the following two methods passed the test under VC++6.0. The first is a simple version. Open your C program, and then insert -- Resour

 Can you find the average?
Novice programming

Can you find the average?

Birds on the 15th floor 15 years ago (2009-01-24) 20711 Browse 0 Comments Collection

The average of two integer numbers, some people say, can be found in primary school students C=(a+b)/2 Yes. This is a very simple problem. Programmers must be able to do the same. But when we did, we forgot that overflow would occur, because the sum of two integers might be greater than int If Max is like this, will the values we get according to the above formula be correct? But we know that their average values will not overflow

 C++Computer Guessing
Novice programming

C++Computer Guessing

Birds on the 15th floor 16 years ago (2008-12-20) 25937 Browse 0 Comments Collection

Topic requirements: people and computers do guessing games. People meditate on a four digit number, and the computer will guess it. The computer displays the guessed number on the screen and asks two questions: First, how many numbers are guessed correctly; 2、 Some of the correct numbers are also correct. People answer these two questions through the keyboard. The computer guessed again and again until it got it right. In order to simplify input and output, the computer outputs a four digit number at a time, and then people input two numbers separated by spaces

 Simple logical reasoning - detailed explanation
Novice programming

Simple logical reasoning - detailed explanation

Birds on the 15th floor 16 years ago (2008-12-14) 21745 Browse 0 Comments Collection

The title is as follows: 111211211111221.... What is this line? Answer: After careful consideration, we have found 1 111, one 21, two 1211, one two one 111221, one one two one 312211, three one two two one 13112221, one three one one two two one one 13112221, one three one one two two one one attached with the algorithm of C++version [code=cpp] # include # i

 Singing on the motherboard -- beep
Novice programming

Singing on the motherboard -- beep

Birds on the 15th floor 16 years ago (November 20, 2008) 29390 Browse 0 Comments Collection

I can see from the stack of tags that the author of this article is immature in writing the program. Admittedly, I am still a novice programmer. Yesterday, I saw a funny one. I flipped through the data, compiled it, and ran it. It was good. The following program can make your motherboard buzzer, that is, the small horn that emits a sound of a certain frequency when it is turned on. Please go to the following download address: In the beep directory

 Fluid mechanics ---- calculation of frictional resistance coefficient.
Novice programming

Fluid mechanics ---- calculation of frictional resistance coefficient.

Birds on the 15th floor 16 years ago (2008-06-07) 27180 Browse 0 Comments Collection

It is based on a mixed length theory in the fluid mechanics textbook. Because it is the first time to write a C language program independently, the code is very complicated,, Please contact me if there is a simple code method. It seems that I can still see the shadow of writing batch processing in the past, but I learned process oriented programming, which is not as friendly as object-oriented writing. The students who have learned fluid mechanics can help me test it own...