The flower fades and the red and green apricots are small. When swallows fly, green water surrounds others.


 Multithread programming in delphi (2)
Novice programming

Multithread programming in delphi (2)

Birds on the 15th floor 15 years ago (March 15, 2009) 18629 Browse 0 Comments Collection

4、 Analysis of Mutex (Mutex) principle of multithreading synchronization: Mutex is a system kernel object, which can be owned by all threads, and can be executed by whoever owns it; After execution, use the ReleaseMutex function to release the ownership so that other waiting threads can use it. Other threads can queue up using the WaitForSingleObject function (waiting can also be understood as queuing applications)

 Multithread programming in delphi (1)
Novice programming

Multithread programming in delphi (1)

Birds on the 15th floor 15 years ago (March 15, 2009) 18939 Browse 0 Comments Collection

The content of this article is taken from the network and reorganized. It is kept here only for convenience of learning and consulting. All codes are tested under delphi 7. The pictures are made by ourselves. Multithreading should be a basic skill for programmers, but I have never learned this basic skill, so I just seem to know something. When I understand 2+2, I don't know 1+1. At first, it should be a colorful text, but I