The Internet Archive has archived the network for 20 years (since 1996), and has saved 273 billion pages of more than 361 million websites, occupying 20 PB of storage space pages. These pages usually consist of many images, videos, style sheets, scripts, and other Web objects and link to them. Over the years, the archives have saved more than 5.1 billion such network objects with time stamps, which we call network capture.

Website address:
Tips: This network can only be accessed with a proxy. You understand.

Directly enter a website in the input box, such as
 Wayback Machine Internet Archive (1996 to present)

Select a time snapshot to view and view the Internet history files. For example, the following is the Baidu website on June 18, 2004. Are you familiar with it?
 Wayback Machine Internet Archive (1996 to present)

The number of times Baidu used to view the map in this calendar was the time machine in the past, and few times the website was updated. For more information on FAQs
Orange indicates that the URL does not exist (4xx).