Well, the bloggers haven't posted much recently. They are busy with their studies... they don't have time to take care of blogs!

So today we first released a plug-in: GravatarShow, a pure Gravatar avatar display plug-in.

Plug in benefits

It is directly enabled without configuration, and does not need to change the Typecho system file. It is convenient for Typecho to upgrade, and it does not need to be modified again after upgrading!
The official Gravatar avatar address (https) is used, which is stable and easy to use!
There is no other plug-in's avatar cache function. It simply changes the original wall address to an unmasked address, which is very pure!
This plug-in is also a preparation for a new theme! (Recommended topic: Typecho single column simple atmosphere theme Doby Kunr Theme )

usage method

Download GravatarShow.php and upload it to the/usr/plugins folder
Log in to Typecho blog background, top navigation bar - console - plug-in - find GravatarShow - enable
be accomplished! Try whether the Gravatar avatar can be displayed!

Download address

Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0tqvNq Password: ikap

Last modification: April 20, 2018
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