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Qinglong 2.8 Mutual aid Tutorial
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Current location: home page > Station master resources > Qinglong 2.8 Mutual aid Tutorial

Qinglong 2.8 Mutual aid Tutorial

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 Qinglong 2.8 Mutual aid Tutorial

It seems that Qinglong 2.8's mutual assistance has baffled many small partners, and I have studied it for a long time myself. The information on the Internet is very messy. Collect a lot of information and take notes. This method is very simple at present

Put the latest announcement of Qinglong

  1. 2.2 The image has been updated. Fix the problem in the morning | } a Q m F K However, it is recommended to upgrade to 2.8
  2. 2.2 users can update the 2.2 image, but the image is no longer n N m 2 Maintenance, July 3 + f M 3 ? v S Z Delete in the future
  3. Users of the latest version can not update the image as long as they have executed the ql update
  4. some | | X Boss, both I 7 j t ! { But you can understand the code, and you have to disclose it q ~ x e Z – & The vulnerability of the framework is the same as H V o F ) S * 7 It's hard to agree with a programmer
  5. Finally, please make sure to expire your ck and get it again. And use the latest image
  6. Protect ck from yourself.

Run updates below version 2.8 twice first J Y x ] \ L r ; ; The following command (Pull version 2.8, the latest version)

 sudo docker exec -it QL ql update ##QL represents your container name, please modify it according to your container name sudo docker exec -it QL ql update

Automatic installation script (one click installation)

 docker exec -it qinglong bash -c "$(curl -fsSL  https://git.io/1custom )"

Domestic installation

 docker exec -it qinglong bash -c "$(curl -fsSL  https://raw.githubusercontents.com/Oreomeow/VIP/main/Scripts/sh/1customCDN.sh )"

Place the download file in the specified directory (the following is the manual installation tutorial)

Prepare two files: task_before t [ v sh、code.sh

1. Copy the code.sh script * : ^ ) M q B u O Shell to container ? E ^ 3 Path/ql/config/;
Note: If it is not equipped before G ; u Set z r } The task_before.sh script can use the initialization template file provided by the attachment, and the copy path is/ql/config/.
If before ! D Z o D 4 g R If task_before.sh has been configured, please compare the last code of the text with the template, which is used to submit mutual aid code and mutual aid rule to ] v \ f { l 4 If the content of the active script is missing, it may cause mutual assistance exceptions.

2. Regular task rules for formatting and updating mutual help codes:

Name: Format and update mutual aid code

 bash /ql/config/code.sh &

Timing rules:

 10 * * * *

After the final task is added 3 a I o h ! x \ If there is a log, you can manually run the newly added scheduled task. If there is no log, run the script first and then run the newly added scheduled task (ensure that the script log has a mutual help code)

1. Set task_befor K = 9 d X ` e. Sh Put it into the config folder mapped by Qinglong, without the need to O 6 7 ] O 8 E h Any modification.

2. Put code.sh into the scripts folder mapped by Qinglong, that is, the config directory

3. According to the pulled library, M O Z ( 5 ) ~ s C Modify the name_js prefix in code.sh. The default is chinnkarahoi l J r O J q ; . *

If you pull JD u T X Q 6 R b * ` HelloWorld, replace the prefix chinnkarahoi with JDHelloWorld, and then save it. infer other things from one fact

 name_js=( chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_fruit chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_pet chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_plantBean chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_dreamFactory chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_jdfactory chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_jdzz chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_crazy_joy chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_jxnc chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_bookshop chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_cash chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_sgmh chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_cfd chinnkarahoi_jd_scripts_jd_health )

4. Add a scheduled task "task code. sh". The scheduled time depends on your needs j B X Y P Please come.

become ^ v p s – N N & c Precondition of function: You must run the corresponding script and form a log before it can read and merge your mutual help code.

Another way is to get on the bus through the big man's power pool.

At present, it is known that he1pu is the booster pool.

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