Automatic image matching based on the article title Automatic image matching Automatic image matching based on the article related pictures, cut the image size, add the article title watermark to the image, support matching the title based on the article label matching related network pictures, automatically insert multiple keyword matching network pictures, randomly fill in the uploaded attachment pictures or self meaning uploaded pictures, and insert specific random pictures into specific classified articles.
Function switch: ->It will be automatically added when the article is published
Lock URL: ->The default URL of the website can be left blank for adaptation
Specify the classification: ->Specify the classification ID, and multiple classification IDs are separated by symbols. If yes, the large classification ID includes all sub classifications
Number of supplementary pictures: ->The default value is 3. If the number of pictures in the article is less than 3, 3 pictures will be added randomly. 1-3 random pictures are supported
Insert paragraph: - "The default value of 0 is automatic, for example: 2 is to insert a supplementary figure in front of the second P paragraph position, or random paragraphs: 2-5
Picture alignment: left center right by default ->display style of complementary pictures
Image source: Self defined image in attachment library Automatic replacement of network image
-Automatic replacement is to give priority to searching for relevant pictures on the Internet. If there is no relevant picture on the Internet, you can use the customized picture. If there is no customized picture, you can use the attachment library picture.
Customized picture: customized picture link: a random call can be made one line at a picture address. You can also upload customized pictures to the/zb_users/plugin/ly_autoimage/img/folder for random calls
Different classified articles display different pictures/zb_users/plugin/ly_autoimage/img/8/This 8 is the classification ID, including subcategories. You can create as many classification ID folders as you need, and different pictures are placed in different classification ID folders
Web pictures: Web pictures are sourced from [Free Use and Sharing] type pictures searched on the Internet. The inserted pictures are localized and saved to the attachment library by default. They can also be combined with [Compression Cropping Watermark Plug in] to create pictures with different md5 values, change the size of the picture, crop the border, and add text watermark to the picture.
Use small picture: ->Default large picture
Label matching: ->If there is no label, title matching is used. The default is title matching
Save the attachment: -) The image is saved locally to the attachment. When it is turned off, the external link image address is used
Random pictures: ->10, the first 10 pictures are random by default
Free use and sharing of Sogou pictures, headline pictures, god horse pictures, random switching
-It is recommended to choose free use and sharing. There is a great risk of picture copyright problems in the whole network.
You can also specify unified keyword matching: use commas to separate random calls, or specify the classification ID of the article plus=at the beginning of the new line, for example: 28=keyword, keyword 2, keyword 3
Proxy IP: - 》 To use the network proxy IP, the plug-in is required: LY_Network proxy IP
Special restrictions: ->Specify the classification ID, and only one picture can be added for classified articles. Multiple classification IDs are separated by symbols
If there are drawings, no drawings shall be supplemented:

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