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  • Can the IELTS exam pass be printed on the same day?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Can the IELTS exam pass be printed on the same day? Answer: Yes, even if the IELTS exam is still a few hours away, you can still print the IELTS exam permit. You only need to log in to the official IELTS registration system, find the test you registered for, and then you can see the examination permit issued by the system, download it and print it. Although you can do this, the old duck editor still suggests that all roast ducks advance a few

  • When can I come out on the same day?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: When can the IELTS exam pass come out on the same day? Recently, a student asked this question, which was also a concern when we were taking the exam. Then, the old roast duck editor will give you a unified explanation today. Answer: Not on the same day. The IELTS exam admission card can be viewed and downloaded one week before the exam (accurately, it can be viewed 8 days ago). You can log in to the official IELTS registration system to view and download to

  • Can I take the IELTS speaking test without a pass

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Can I take the IELTS Speaking Test without a pass "Teacher, hurry up! I'm going to take the IELTS oral test this afternoon, but I don't have a pass. I only printed one copy and handed it in when I took the written test. If I don't have a pass, can I take the IELTS oral test? Thank you, Roast Duck!" Answer: Hello, don't panic. If you find that you don't have an entrance examination permit when you take the IELTS speaking test, you can take the test under the following circumstances

  • Is it OK to print the IELTS admission card in Chinese only

    Is it OK to print the IELTS admission card in Chinese only Although there is only one file of the IELTS exam admission card downloaded from the official IELTS website, it is divided into two versions, Chinese and English. Can we only print Chinese when printing? Or do you want to print two copies together and bring them into the examination room at the same time? The answer is that the IELTS exam pass can be printed only in Chinese, which will not have any impact on everyone's exam (how to print the IELTS exam pass? Explain the operation steps in detail). The specific reasons are as follows

  • How many IELTS exam admission cards should be printed

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: How many IELTS admission cards should be printed? Although there are few people asking this question, the young editor of IELTS for Roast Duck still feels it is necessary to give a detailed answer here, hoping to help more candidates who have not yet taken the IELTS test and are preparing to apply for it or go to the test room. The answer is that there is no official requirement for the number of copies printed. In theory, you only need to download and print the official PDF format of the admission card and take it to the exam

  • Is the IELTS admission card printed in color or black and white?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: IELTS Admission Card Color Print or Black and White Print? Not long ago, a letter from a new kid's shoe asked, "Excuse me, Mr. Roast Duck, I have received the PDF document of the IELTS exam admission card. Do you want to print it in color or black and white?" Almost all IELTS examinees must print the exam admission card two days before the exam. So, today, the little editor of the Roast Duck IELTS will give you a detailed answer to this question. I hope it can help

  • Whether the IELTS exam admission card is printed on one side or on both sides

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Single sided or double-sided printing of IELTS admission card Today, I want to answer a question from a candidate who is about to take the IELTS exam for the first time: "Excuse me, Mr. Roast Duck, I downloaded the PDF file of the exam admission card on the Internet. Do I need to print the document on one side or on both sides? If I type wrong, will I not be admitted to the exam==;" This question has been asked by several students. So, today's Old Roast Duck IELTS Editor will give you a detailed discussion on this issue

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