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  • Is there any IELTS test center in Shangqiu?

    Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is there an IELTS test site in Shangqiu? Answer: No, there is no IELTS test center in the downtown area of Shangqiu. However, the cities around Shangqiu can still find places to take the IELTS test. Old Roast Duck will give you a detailed introduction today, hoping to help more students in Shangqiu area. Kaifeng IELTS Test Center, which was originally close to Shangqiu, has been closed. Therefore, in Henan Province, you can only go to Zhengzhou to participate in Ya

    IELTS test site information
  • What are the IELTS training courses in Shangqiu?

    What are the IELTS training courses in Shangqiu? In this column, the editor of IELTS for Roast Duck will introduce the IELTS training courses in Shangqiu in detail, hoping to help more roast ducks in Shangqiu. Shangqiu is located in the east of Henan Province, adjacent to Huaibei City and Suzhou City in Anhui Province. This is a famous national historical and cultural city. It is the court of fire culture and a source of the three merchants (merchants, commercial culture and commerce). At present, the region participates in Ya

    IELTS training course
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