Current location: home page > Cambridge IELTS 13 Reading Original Translation
  • Saving the soil

    Saving the soil The theme of the second article of the fourth set of topics in IELTS 13 is to save the soil. There are twelve paragraphs in the article, which can be divided into three parts. The first three paragraphs introduce the importance of soil, the middle two paragraphs introduce the impact of soil damage, and the last seven paragraphs introduce various measures and corresponding problems to protect soil. The following is the original translation of each paragraph. Click to view the corresponding IELTS reading

  • The coconut palm

    The coconut palm The first article is about coconut trees. There are six paragraphs in this article, which respectively introduce the widespread distribution of coconut in the western world, the use of various parts of coconut tree, the structure and function of fruit, the biological characteristics and function of coconut juice, the ability of coconut to float in the sea and grow along the coast, and the origin of leaves. The following is the translation of each paragraph. Click

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