China Documentary Network > Exploration · Discovery > Discovery 26/01/2014: The Great Victory That Cannot Be Forgotten (7)

Discovery 26/01/2014: The Great Victory That Cannot Be Forgotten (7)

Video Introduction

The main content of this program: After the Hengcheng counterattack, the United Nations army began to waver on the Korean battlefield, but still occupied an important place in the Tieping, where our volunteers failed to attack. At the same time, MacArthur resigned with a heavy heart. After taking over, Li Qiwei took advantage of the weakness of volunteers and returned the strength of both sides to the starting point of the war after the fifth battle. During this period, the elite of the British army, Gloucester Camp, lost his life in the hands of the volunteer army, and Peng Shuai's tactics of "showing his appearance in the west and attacking in the east" received extraordinary effects. (Discovery 26/01/2014: A Great Victory Not to Be Forgotten (7))

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