China Documentary Network > Exploration of the Universe > Discovery 10/01/2014: Exploring the Universe (III): Searching for the Lost World: Venus and Mars

Discovery 10/01/2014: Exploring the Universe (III): Searching for the Lost World: Venus and Mars

Video Introduction

The main content of this program: Venus has a volume and weight similar to that of the Earth. Venus is full of volcanoes and is wrapped in solar heat. Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system. In the 1970s, Viking satellites observed Mars at close range. Mars was very cold and dry. The rover found layered rocks generally formed on the seabed on Mars. Research shows that Mars was eroded by solar radiation, and the surface water evaporated or frozen underground. The south pole of Mars is covered with thick ice, and Olympus Mountain on Mars is the highest volcano in the solar system. To explore the surface, the large canyons on the surface of Mars are evidence of water. In the study of Martian landforms, we can also see the traces of ancient river beds and lake bottoms on early Mars. Scientists are still searching for traces of life on Mars. (Discovery 10/01/2014: Exploring the Universe (III): Finding the Lost World: Venus and Mars)

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