After 1995, my mother almost cut off her breast after massage in beauty salon

After 1995, my mother almost cut off her breast after massage in beauty salon
18:35, August 15, 2018 Sina Health

As an exquisite fashion hot mother
Why not go to the beauty salon for a massage

However, there is a young mother born after 1995

Massage in beauty salon

But the pain in the breast is aggravated and the discharge is pus

I almost need to have my breast removed

Ms. Luo, who was born in 1995, is a two-year-old mother. At the end of 2017, she found breast lumps through self inspection. At first, she thought it was residual milk left during lactation, so she went to the beauty salon for massage.

Ms. Luo introduced that she felt more pain in the breast when massaging, but she had no experience and thought it was a phenomenon after dredging.

The massage in the beauty salon did not make Ms. Luo better, but almost caused a disaster.


 The Xinhua data map has nothing to do with this article. The Xinhua data map has nothing to do with this article.

During the Spring Festival this year, Ms. Luo's breast became painful and purulent. She went to many hospitals in Shenzhen and suggested circumcision. Ms. Luo said that I would insomnia , was extremely haggard by circumcision of breast, and he was once discouraged.

Ms. Luo

I am anxious every day. I always feel that the good days are gone. I am worried that after the operation, my breasts will be damaged and I will not have confidence, which will affect the relationship between husband and wife.

Originally thought that "breast" was not guaranteed, Ms. Luo was panicked. Fortunately, things still had a turn.

After several treatments, she saved her breast

Later, when the unit organized a physical examination, Ms. Luo came to Shenzhen Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the doctor suggested that she go to the nail and breast surgery for medical treatment.

The doctor confirmed that it was Ms. Luo granulomatous mastitis The occurrence of granulomatous mastitis is related to the improper treatment of accumulated milk, which forms a package and leads to immune reaction. After finding the cause, the doctor prescribed the right medicine. Soon after, Ms. Luo's breast lump gradually narrowed. After several treatments, Ms. Luo's symptoms improved significantly and she has now been discharged from hospital.


Ms. Luo has recovered through treatment

But the doctor said

There are not many similar situations

Doctor Reminder

Never massage the breast

Like Ms. Luo, it is common for a child to go to a beauty salon for massage because she thinks there is residual milk in her breast after weaning. The doctor reminded that women should pay more attention to their own physical changes. If they find a problem, they should see a doctor at the first time. Do not massage casually to avoid aggravating the condition and delaying treatment.

Zhuhai citizens in Guangdong Miss Wang

Not as lucky as Ms. Luo

Ms. Wang has always been in the habit of doing health massage in beauty salons. The masseur recommended the use of chest meridian dredging massage, and the other party said that the massage could help to enlarge the chest, open the chest meridians, and eliminate the breast Hyperplasia and other effects.

Thinking it was all about health care, Ms. Wang accepted the above services and regularly dredged her chest in the beauty salon. According to Ms. Wang, When massaging, he felt breast swelling and pain, but the masseur said that the pain was due to the small sections of the breast. He often used essential oil to dredge, and the situation would soon improve.

But unexpectedly, nearly three months later, Ms. Wang found that her breasts were getting worse and worse, not only her skin was red, Inverted nipple In addition, the skin at the outer edge of the nipple was broken, porous, and the milk leaked. Ms. Wang, who felt wrong, rushed to Zhuhai Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital for examination.

According to the hospital, Lin Hong, the director of breast surgery of the hospital, checked that there was a 4 or 5 cm mass in his right breast, which was later diagnosed as mammary cancer

Doctor introduction,

Similar cases like Ms. Wang are often encountered clinically in recent years, Some women will choose to knead and massage in beauty salons when they find breast lumps. They believe that massage can reduce or even eliminate lumps, but this is not the case.

Stimulated by estrogen essential oil, these lesions will spread around without fear once they are pushed by external massage To delay the patient's condition, Accelerate the metastasis and spread of cancer cells.  

For female friends who often go to the beauty salon for massage, they should first go to a regular hospital for a routine examination before massage, and make a full assessment, Chest massage can only be carried out after confirming that there is no disease.

How to prevent mastitis

Doctors suggest that the following aspects should be paid attention to in order to prevent mastitis:

1) Keep good breastfeeding habits. In case of poor milk drainage and milk stasis, go to the hospital as soon as possible to find a professional person to dredge the milk pipe.

2) Keep good eating habits. Try to eat less spicy and stimulating food.

3) Avoid breast trauma. Breast protection should be paid attention to at all times during lactation and sex to avoid trauma.

4) To avoid irregular breast care, the breast skin and glands should be soft. Massage must be gentle, and cupping and scraping are not recommended for breast parts.

In addition, many new mothers breastfeed

It's not always easy

Ten Questions and Answers on Breastfeeding

I hope it can help young mothers~

Breastfeeding should pay attention to these problems

1. Mom cold Need to stop breastfeeding immediately?

Most colds are upper respiratory tract infections, which can continue to be breastfed, and the antibodies in the mother's body can be passed to the baby through breast milk to enhance its resistance.

The mother should wear a mask every time she feeds the baby, do not breathe into the baby, and pay attention to the drug instructions or follow the doctor's advice when taking cold medicine.  

2. Breastfeeding can cause breast sagging?

Breastfeeding is not directly related to breast ptosis.

The causes of female breast prolapse are related to body mass index, number of pregnancies, breast size before pregnancy, smoking history and age. Breastfeeding does not increase the probability of breast prolapse.

3. Need to discharge residual milk during natural milk separation?

Milk is a part of human body fluid, which can be self absorbed and reused after weaning, without any other treatment!

At present, there is no clear evidence to prove that the so-called "residual milk" can lead to breast cancer. On the contrary, violent massage may cause breast damage.

4. Mother's nipples are slightly chapped. Can it be cured quickly by smearing milk?

After feeding, the mother squeezed out a few drops of milk and smeared it on the nipple and areola to prevent nipple pain and cracking. If the nipple has chapped, it is more efficient and fast to apply the wet repair cream containing pure lanolin, and it is not easy to scab.

5. Drinking thick soup can promote lactation?

Thick soup is the emulsion formed after the emulsification reaction of fat and protein, which has no direct promoting effect on the increase of milk.

Because mother wants to secrete a lot of milk, it is recommended to drink light, less oil and less salt soup every meal, and the amount should not be excessive.

6. On the first day after delivery, the mother is worried about "no" milk or less milk, so she needs to add glucose or milk powder to the baby in time?

Although the mother can only secrete a small amount of colostrum a few days before the birth, the stomach capacity of the baby on the first day of birth is only 5-7ml. In addition to the baby's "self energy" at birth, the amount of colostrum can usually meet the growth needs of the newborn.

7. Can't a mother with sunken nipples feed herself?

The baby does not simply suck the nipple, but holds the nipple and most of the areola in his mouth to form a long nipple. Massage the breast before feeding, pull the nipple with tools, so that the baby can receive it smoothly, and the mother can still feed it personally.

8. Breastfeeding can lead to obesity and deformation of mother's body?

Postpartum mothers are more obese due to improper eating and less exercise. Postpartum to eat a balanced diet, eat less and eat more meals.

What's important is that the baby's sucking will promote the secretion of oxytocin and the contraction of the uterus, help the mother to convert the water in her body and the fat accumulated during pregnancy into milk, which is conducive to the mother's recovery.

9、 Milk ringworm Is it caused by breastfeeding?

Breast milk is the least allergenic infant food, and breast feeding is one of the methods advocated to prevent allergy. eczema (including milk ringworm) has many causes, such as air, clothes, bath liquid, laundry liquid, etc. may contain allergens.

10. Clean your breast every time before breastfeeding?

There is no need to clean the breast before feeding the baby. The bacteria on the nipple are probiotics, which help to establish the baby's intestinal flora, promote the baby's digestion and absorption of breast milk, promote the maturation of the immune system, and prevent various allergic diseases.

Suggest @ female friends

Carry out regular breast examination every year

Strangle disease in its cradle

Spread and tell the female friends around!

Original report of Southern Metropolis Daily

Reporter Li Rong from Nandu

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