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Substance with solubility below 0.01g at room temperature of 20 ℃
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Insoluble refers to a substance whose solubility is below 0.01g at room temperature of 20 ℃. Generally, the solution with solubility less than 0.01g/100H2O electrolyte , called insoluble electrolyte.
Chinese name
The solubility of a substance is below 0.01g
Above 10g
Insoluble but not insoluble


When the solubility of a substance is below 0.01g at room temperature of 20 ℃, it can generally be called insoluble substance.
Generally, the electrolyte with solubility less than 0.01g/100H2O is called insoluble electrolyte
Solubility: at a certain temperature, the mass of a solid substance dissolved when it reaches saturation in 100g solvent, which is called the solubility of this substance in this solvent. Note here: if the solvent is not specified, the solubility usually refers to the solubility of the substance in water.
Complete precipitation: there is no absolutely insoluble substance. After precipitation, there is always a part of it left in the solution. When the ion concentration of this substance in the solution is less than or equal to 10 mol/L to the fifth power, it is considered that the precipitation is complete.

Classification criteria

According to the solubility of substances at 20 ℃, their solubility in water is divided into the following grades: solubility above 10g is easy to dissolve, 1g-10g is soluble, 0.01g-1g is slightly soluble, and below 0.01g is difficult to dissolve When the ion concentration of this substance in the solution is less than or equal to 10 mol/L to the 5th power, it is considered that the precipitation has been completed.
be careful : Insoluble but not insoluble, no absolutely insoluble substance