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Binding group

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Groups that assist in drug receptor binding
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Binding group refers to assistance medicine And recipient The group that binds.
Chinese name
Binding group
Foreign name
binding group
active center
Specific group
binding group
(1) On enzyme Of active center In relation to enzymes and substrate Combined Functional group But the binding group may also have catalysis Function, while Enzyme active center Catalytic Catalytic group It also has a combination effect, so it is commonly referred to as Essential group
(2) toxin lectin Precipitin Opsonin and Lyain Intramolecular Specific group , via these Group And antibody antigen or Cellular receptor Combined to produce its unique function, also known as Associative cluster (haptophore)。
(3) One kind of Pharmaceutical chemistry In, the combination group refers to assistance medicine And recipient The group that binds.