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Urban and Rural Planning and Poverty Alleviation Alliance

University Poverty Alleviation Alliance
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The Urban Rural Planning Poverty Alleviation Alliance is a university poverty alleviation alliance.
Chinese name
Urban and Rural Planning and Poverty Alleviation Alliance
Non profit organization

Development history

On October 20, 2020, the University "Urban and Rural Planning Poverty Alleviation Alliance" was established. [1]

Alliance members

Chongqing University Dalian University of Technology Northeast University, Southeast University Hefei Polytechnic University South China University of Technology Tianjin University, Tongji University Northwestern Polytechnical University Southwest Jiaotong University China University of Geosciences (Beijing). [1]

Alliance purpose

The alliance aims to precisely meet the needs of urban and rural planning in poor areas, give play to the disciplinary advantages and regional radiation driving role of member universities, divide work and cooperate, share resources, and coordinate the planning and poverty alleviation work to Completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects Contribute to the wisdom and strength of colleges and universities. [1]