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 A must for designers! 10 comprehensive inspiration discovery websites

A must for designers! 10 comprehensive inspiration discovery websites

The website is not for many, but for perfection. So at 3:00 in the middle of the night, I am typing the keyboard word by word, just to identify a really good website for everyone. A Japanese web design summary website, the Japanese forbearance design style is really irresistible, which is super durable. Compared with China's impetuous and gaudy, the world

Zblog House 2019-06-11 two thousand two hundred and forty-one seven
 Single choice or multiple choice? This comprehensive summary gives you the answer!

Single choice or multiple choice? This comprehensive summary gives you the answer!

This article mainly studies the design details of single choice and multi choice controls. Although it is a very common control design, there are also many places that need attention. To be able to abstract and summarize the general rules of common things is a thing worth doing. Whether from personalized content or user experience

Zblog House 2019-03-18 one thousand two hundred and nine zero
 Four or two pounds! 7 Tips for Quickly Improving the UI Visual Experience

Four or two pounds! 7 Tips for Quickly Improving the UI Visual Experience

Maybe you are a novice designer, maybe you are a developer with rich development experience, but you need to make your web pages and UI look more like that, at least not an amateur. So today's article should be able to help you. In the process of UI design, there are many techniques

Zblog House 2019-03-18 eight hundred and seventy-one zero
 How was the "QQ draws New Year pictures for me" played by hundreds of millions of people designed?

How was the "QQ draws New Year pictures for me" played by hundreds of millions of people designed?

Mencius said, "The foundation of the world is in the country, and the foundation of the country is in the home." The important social foundation of the formation and development of Chinese traditional culture is the patriarchal system linked by blood relationship, which to a large extent determines China's social and political structure and ideology. Although the times have changed and technology has advanced, the concept of "family first"

Zblog House 2019-03-18 seven hundred and fifty-seven zero
 Five Dimensions of Game Interaction Design

Five Dimensions of Game Interaction Design

With the continuous enrichment of game categories in the market, game types such as card, RPG, MOBA and Escape have also shown more performance in game interaction, followed by the homogenization of playing methods and interfaces. The game products with leather covers have made players feel aesthetic fatigue. How to break through the conventional interface design is design

Zblog House 2019-03-18 one thousand one hundred and four zero
 Excellent interaction design: 19 creative web pages

Excellent interaction design: 19 creative web pages

I don't know if you have seen the picture of "Artist Taking a Sudden Leave". It was popular on the Internet before, and the marketing effect was good. Finally, many online stores followed suit, so sometimes it doesn't have to spend a lot of money on advertising. In fact, we can use creativity to show your products. I think this is the best way to promote

Zblog House 2019-03-18 nine hundred and sixty-three zero


During the year of Tencent, I have been exposed to font design in many projects, so I have formed my own font design method in the design process. I take this opportunity to share my design experience with you. If you have any shortcomings, please reply. Cut down on nonsense and go straight to the subject. My personal habit is to draw on the draft paper and align myself

Zblog House 2019-03-18 one thousand and five zero