VC made me very angry, I want to fight back! Why don't you do good people?

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Recently, most of the shops were deleted after being modified by VC for no reason. Now the appeal is back. I will let him know what good and evil are rewarded if he doesn't want to wait for his death. And pay the service provider to find some information about modifying Listing. Using the information "store name" found by the service provider (I don't know whether it is a store name, but I spent more than 1000 to give three pictures), I can't find a matching store on Amazon. I don't want to make a mistake about the target. I want to ask everyone if the information the service provider looks for has changed my listing? How can I use this information to find them. Honest operation without violation, never sell with others and do not use such dirty means to engage others. But this time I was really angry. I will make him pay the price he deserves.




Low profile small e-commerce - For exchange and dry goods, please pay attention to the public account of Brick Throwing Collection

Approval from: Gone with the wind The Story of the Sea

Some service providers actually know which company's account is, and can directly add money to inquire, which is most direct and convenient.
If you can't ask several service providers more and get more information, then you can judge, so that you won't retaliate indiscriminately.
PS: Recently, a big seller is using VC to modify others' listing. The environment is getting worse. If the company has money, it will set up a VC account, which will be modified in real time as a defense measure.
Wish an early settlement!

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