Busing – Download the static Bootstrap 5 template for white background enterprises

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The enterprise Bootstrap 5 template is a powerful, multi-functional, modern Bootstrap 5 template, suitable for business, consulting, and financial institutions. It is based on the latest design trends. You can deploy this sophisticated web template to build a website that meets all your needs and preferences.

 Busing - Download the static Bootstrap 5 template for white background enterprises

This super efficient Bootstrap5 web template is responsive and ready for retina. It includes 02 unique home pages and many ready-made inside pages. Internal pages include "About page", "Service page", "More than three portfolio pages", "More than three blog pages", "Contact page", etc. The total number of HTML pages is more than 11. Busing provides many conveniences. It provides sliding sliders, dynamic contact lists, free fonts, W3C validation tags, and cross browser optimization. In addition, you will get well commented code, easy to understand documentation file structure, and 24/7 professional fast support. Most importantly, it can help you highlight your business and consultation on the website in other ways.


  • Build with Bootstrap 5
  • 2 Homepage
  • 11+ HTML pages
  • Html5 and Css3
  • Made with sass(scss)
  • Dynamic contact form
  • Used Swiper slider
  • Icon font FontAwesome
  • Google Fonts
  • Dynamic Mailchimp Subscribe Form
  • Ajax Working Contact Form
  • W3C Validated Code
  • Clean Code
  • Creative and Modern Design
  • Fully Responsive
  • Smooth animations
  • Easy to customize
  • SEO friendly code
  • Speed Optimized
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Well Documented
  • No console error
  • jQuery latest version
  • And Much More!

Genuine link: https://themeforest.net/item/busing-business-consulting-bootstrap-5-template/29504782 (The template is only for reference, please support the genuine version)

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