Nginx 1.19.4 mainline version update, update and improve functions, etc

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Nginx 1.19.4 released the mainline version on October 27, 2020. This update has less content, mainly adding the functions of ssl and mail agent.

 Nginx 1.19.4 mainline version update, update and improve functions, etc

Update content

 Nginx 1.19.4 updated on October 27, 2020
 *) Functions: "ssl_conf_command", "proxy_ssl_conf_command", "Grpc_ssl_conf_command" and "uwsgi_ssl_conf_command" instructions.
 *) Function: "ssl_reject_handshake" instruction.
 *) Function: "proxy_smtp_auth" instruction in mail proxy.

original text

 Changes with nginx 1.19.4 27 Oct 2020 *) Feature: the "ssl_conf_command", "proxy_ssl_conf_command", "grpc_ssl_conf_command", and "uwsgi_ssl_conf_command" directives. *) Feature: the "ssl_reject_handshake" directive. *) Feature: the "proxy_smtp_auth" directive in mail proxy.

Download address  |  Update description

For an introduction to nginx version branches, please click here

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Nginx 1.19.3 mainline version was released to fix bugs and improve functions

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