Add VIP video parsing page to your WP

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!

I saw something on other blogs today. Now let's share it with you. I won't say that I just watched a movie 233 with this

Features: It supports ssl websites, three ssl parsing interfaces, and may have some advertising, but it is only displayed on the mobile phone. Thank you for your secondary development.

How to use it: create a new php file in the root directory of the theme being used to copy the code. If you don't understand anything, please leave a message.



The code is as follows

 <? php  /*
     Template Name: video resolution
     Author: poetic dream
     url: html
 <? php  get_header (); ?>
 <style  type = "text/css" >
 #primary { width : 100% ; } . contact-page { margin : 40px  zero ; } #contact  label { display : block ; margin : zero  zero  zero  30px ; padding : 5px  zero ; } #contact  input , #contact  textarea { background : #fff ; margin : zero  zero  zero  30px ; padding : 6px ; width : 40% ; border : 1px  solid  #ebebeb ; border-radius : 2px ; -webkit-appearance : none ; } #contact  textarea { width : 80% ; } #contact  input [ type = "submit" ]{ border : none ; padding : zero  5px ; height : 42px ; margin-top : 10px ; cursor : pointer ; background : #0088cc ; color : #fff ; border-radius : 2px ; } #contact  input [ type = "submit" ]: hover { background : #666 ; border-radius : 2px ; transition : all  0.2s  ease-in  0s ; } . errormsg , . successmsg { color : #d80000 ; padding : 10px ; border-radius : 2px ; } . successmsg { background : #91c24f ; } . tcha { margin : zero  zero  zero  30px ; } </style >
 <head >
     <link  href = " "  rel = "stylesheet" />
     <link  href = " "  rel = "stylesheet"  />
     <script  href = " " > </script >
     <script  src = " " > </script >
     <script  src = " " > </script >
     <script  src = " " > </script >
     <script  type = "text/javascript" > eval ( function ( p , a , c , k , e , d ){ e = function ( c ){ return ( c < a ? "" : e ( parseInt ( c / a )))+(( c = c % a )> thirty-five ? String . fromCharCode ( c + twenty-nine ): c . toString ( thirty-six ))}; if (! '' . replace ( /^/ , String )){ while ( c --) d [ e ( c )]= k [ c ]|| e ( c ); k =[ function ( e ){ return  d [ e ]}]; e = function (){ return '\\w+' }; c = one }; while ( c --) if ( k [ c ]) p = p . replace ( new  RegExp ( '\\b' + e ( c )+ '\\b' , 'g' ), k [ c ]); return  p }( 'b a(){0 6=1.2("9").4;0 5=1.2("3");0 3=1.2("3").c;0 8=5.e[3].4;0 7=1.2("f");7.d=8+6}' , sixteen , sixteen , 'var|document|getElementById|jk|value|jkurl|diz|cljurl|jkv|url|dihejk|function|selectedIndex|src|options|player' . split ( '|' ), zero ,{})) </script >
     <script  type = "text/javascript"  src = "<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); ?>/ js/jquery.form.js" > </script >
     <script  type = "text/javascript" >
         $ ( document ). ready ( function (){ $ ( '#contact' ). ajaxForm ( function ( data ) { if ( data == one ){ $ ( '#success' ). fadeIn ( "slow" ); $ ( '#bademail' ). fadeOut ( "slow" ); $ ( '#badserver' ). fadeOut ( "slow" ); $ ( '#contact' ). resetForm (); } else  if ( data == two ){ $ ( '#badserver' ). fadeIn ( "slow" ); } else  if ( data == three ) { $ ( '#bademail' ). fadeIn ( "slow" ); } }); }); </script >
         <table  class = "table table-bordered"  style = "background: #000" >
             <tbody >
                 <div  class = "col-md-14 column" >
                     <div  class = "panel panel-default" >
                         <div  id = "kj"  class = "panel-body" >
                             <iframe  src = " html "  id = "player"  width = "100%"  height = "400px"  allowtransparency = "true"  frameborder = "0"  scrolling = "no" > </iframe >
                         </div >
                     </div >
                 </div >
                 <tr >
                 <font  color = #0000CD >
                     <marquee  direction = "left"  behavior = "scroll"  scrollamount = "10"  bgcolor = ""  width = 100%  height = "100%"  scrolldelay = "100%" > (How to use it: paste the VIP video URL to be played into the input box. Currently, it supports VIP video parsing of iQIYI, Youku, LeEco, Mango, Tencent, etc. For example: html )Do not believe or click any video advertisement, this service is free! </marquee >
                 </font >
                 <br > <br >
                 <div  class = "col-md-14 column" >
                     <form  method = "post"  id = "khname" >
                         <div  class = "input-group"  style = "width: 100%;" >
                             <span  class = "input-group-addon input-lg"  style = "width: 80px; " > Interface </span >
                             <select  class = "form-control input-lg"  id = "jk" >
                                 <option  rel = "nofollow"  value = " "  selected > SSL1 engine system </option >
                                      <option  rel = "nofollow"  value = " "  selected > SSL2 engine system </option >
                                  <option  rel = "nofollow"  value = " " > SSL3 engine system </option >
                             </select >
                         </div >
                     <br >
                     <div  class = "input-group"  style = "width: 100%;" >
                         <span  class = "input-group-addon input-lg"  style = "width: 80px;" > Playback address </span >
                         <input  class = "form-control input-lg"  type = "search"  placeholder = "Enter video page URL"  id = "url" >
                     </div >
                     <br >
                     <div >
                     <button  id = "bf"  type = "button"  class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block"  onclick = "dihejk()" > Click to play </button >
                     <footer  id = "colophon"  class = "site-footer wow fadeInUp"  data-wow-delay = "0.3s"  role = "contentinfo" > <div  class = "site-info" >
              </tbody >
          </table >
     </div >
 </body >
 <? php  get_footer (); ?>
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Website source code

Responsive online VIP video parsing source code

2017-4-9 13:08:43

Website source code

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