The method of sending and installing XML cards to force the URL to change into XML in QQ

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!

It's time to get some dry goods after drinking water for so long # (funny)

First, let's talk about the reason why XML cannot be used

The reason why there is no XML is that Tencent does not crawl your website or does not crawl it in place, so it will not become an XML style


To submit the crawl URL, force QQ To catch our website

We replace the bold text with our own article address, and then open it with a computer browser. The computer must be used here!!

We opened a bunch of json data and ignored it. They were all captured picture titles and other things (like the following picture from the AE blog)

 The method of sending and installing XML cards to force the URL to change into XML in QQ

 The method of sending and installing XML cards to force the URL to change into XML in QQ


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