Cherish, come on

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!

They say that the more beautiful things are, the less able they can stand aging. Once they are old, they will be more unsightly; The brighter the beginning, the faster it will disappear like a meteor. So slowly I got used to being alone, quietly, quietly facing all people, quietly facing everything, so I gradually learned to be grateful.

Maybe I like to think about everything simply and think about everything in a good way, so I especially like listening to sad songs and watching sad essays, and like sad stories. Maybe the more I know the worse things, the more courage I have to face everything, the more I can see and understand many things.

The same sky, the same air, the same you... I haven't seen a little familiar strangeness for a long time, and the memories of the past come to my mind, walking quietly along the road we once walked together, also without words... The screen plays back one after another, just like when I was young at the beginning, I occasionally looked at her, and found that there were still some changes, and that the childishness has gone, Meet her eyes, see her cheeks, the heart can't help but beat faster, still so charming! Finally, it was time to leave. It was still as silent as before, without saying a word. Maybe it would be beautiful if we were together. Before getting on the bus, it was still the same sentence. I looked forward to seeing you next time. After saying that, I got on the bus and left my city with a smile, leaving only beautiful memories.

Once, who was the one who walked through the sky of the city, waiting for the true nature and flying his heart on the grassland. The true feelings are in the warm and bright sunshine, so we like to be moved, moved in a simple, simple materialistic society.

Then the story is still going on, enough, really satisfied.

Like that sentence, if I am not brave, who will be strong for me. Yes, I always understand that no matter it is dark clouds and heavy rain before my eyes, the dawn will always come, and the sun will always be there for me. Time is the most powerful thing, and nothing can escape the destruction of time. So now I only want to enjoy the darkness before the dawn, so when I see the sun, I will feel that the sun becomes more bright and warm, I will cherish it more.

Let's fight together in different cities. In the future, when we meet and hope to leave, we will be buried in the dust. It will be just as quiet as before.

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Mood Sui

Classmate love - to youth

2017-5-14 0:04:59

Mood Sui

Just be happy

2017-5-16 16:25:54

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