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PickPlugins Product Slider

PickPlugins Product Slider WooCommerce products can be shown in a round robin manner, and the products can be displayed in a round robin manner. Some people like this form of product display, while others don't. Old Wei only said how to achieve it.

1. Install and enable PickPlugins Product Slider

Installation is required Woocommerce Plug in , and more than 4 products have been added, because there are too few webcasts and nothing to show, it is not beautiful.

 PickPlugins Product Slider

2. PickPlugins Product Slider Plug in Settings

In the background of WordPress, enter WCPS>all WCPS layouts and add a new layout, as shown in the figure below. Click thumbnail and post title to add product category and other parameters.

Multiple layouts can be created for use by the carousel product.

 PickPlugins Product Slider Add New Layout

Then click add new to add a new sliding product display.

Slider: user-defined slider settings, including the number of columns, the number of mobile terminals at the flat board end of PC, whether to play automatically, speed, position, navigation style, color, and many other options.

Layouts: If you have created multiple layouts, you can select the one you like.

Used after shortcode copy short code.

The PickPlugins Product Slider plug-in also has the following functions:

  • Show Recent Products
  • Display featured products
  • Special offer display
  • Display the products with the highest evaluation
  • Display best-selling products
  • First show the featured products
  • Display by Product ID
  • Random display of products
  • Product classification
  • Products by menu order
  • SKU products
  • Product by Attribute

3. PickPlugins Product Slider Plug in Usage

Take the Elementor page editor as an example, create a new page, edit it in the elementor mode, drag the shortcode to the editing area, paste the short code on the left, and save it.

At this time, the viewing page is the effect shown in the following figure, and the product image is broadcast in turn.

 PickPlugins Product Slider Plug in Usage

4. Summary

PickPlugins Product Slider Plug in It provides the slide effect of the commonly seen broadcast pictures in China, but WooCommerce itself does not have this kind of picture effect. The more beautiful the effect is, the more system resources will be consumed, which may lead to slow page opening, so you can try it yourself.

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Article name: PickPlugins Product Slider
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27980.html
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