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Label: Tencent ECS special offer

Summary of preferential activities of Tencent ECS cloud products in March 2020

There is still a lot of information about Tencent Cloud preferential activities in March 2020. At present, Tencent ECS has the following preferential activities, which are: purchase season preferential activities, cloud products time limited second kill, cloud server global purchase, newly registered thousand yuan voucher, cloud products 30% off, small and micro enterprises 30% off special items. Please see the details of the following activities. What you might be interested in: 2020

2019 Tencent Cloud October Special Event New users can enjoy a limited time exclusive 1-core 1G server of 99 yuan/1 year 2-core 4G 1499 yuan/3 year 4-core 8G 2400 yuan/2 years

Tencent Cloud launched a ceremony in October 2019, and Weieis Blog immediately shared it to see if there was a need. This activity is divided into different activities that are limited to new users and can be attended by both new and old users. 1、 The address of the activity page is My Direct Arrival in October. The time of the activity page is 2019.09.24-2019