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What is structured data? How does a website implement structured data?

What is structured data?

Structured data Structured Data is a standardized method to provide information about web pages. It will help search engines like Google better understand your website content and display more abundant content in the search results page (SERP). In this article, we briefly introduce the data structure and how to use SEO plug-ins to quickly implement structured data.

 What is structured data? How does a website implement structured data?

The following are the rich result parameters that can be displayed in the current Google search results page:

  • article
  • book
  • crumbs
  • Carousel
  • comment
  • data set
  • Employer's total score
  • event
  • Fact check
  • Frequently asked questions
  • how
  • Image License Metadata
  • Recruitment notice
  • Work training
  • Local business
  • trademark
  • film
  • Estimated salary
  • podcast
  • product
  • Q&A
  • Recipes
  • Comment fragment
  • Site link search box
  • Software application
  • Arguably
  • Subscription and paid content
  • video

If your website has parameters related to the above, you can put as many as possible, which will bring great benefits.

Benefits of Structured Data

The meaning of structured data has been mentioned at the beginning of this article. Next, we will talk about the benefits of implementing structured data for websites.

Structured data is not a factor in Google SEO ranking, nor can it directly improve the Google ranking of websites. Its benefits include the following:

1. Get rich text results

Rich text results can provide more valuable search result information, which includes information extracted from website structured data. The common type of rich text results is similar to the rich summary in the following figure.

The rich text summary in the following figure includes user ratings and the number of evaluations, and often the product price.

Another example is the food score, cooking time, caloric value, temperature, etc. in the following figure.

 Get rich text results from structured data

These summaries containing a variety of information can help websites improve click through rates, attract visitors' attention, and increase the natural flow of pages.

2. Mobile terminal rich results

Rich results will be shown more on mobile devices. The rich results of some types of local restaurants, recipes, movies, operation methods and courses are specially processed in the mobile search results, and then presented in the way of touch and slide (broadcast in rotation).

3. Google Knowledge Map

It is a display area on the right side of Google's search results page with rich and detailed information of the company.

The result of being able to access Google's knowledge chart is a knowledge panel similar to the following figure, including many information such as real pictures, names, addresses, telephones, business hours, products, etc. of enterprises, stores, websites, etc.

When visitors see this knowledge panel, it helps to improve the brand's popularity and authority.

 Google Knowledge Map

4. Support semantic search

Semantic search is not the traditional keyword matching mode, but to explore the deep meaning behind the search problem. Structured data can help Google better understand the content of web pages, and show more relevant search returned content on your web pages when visitors search results.

5. Make your website more professional, authoritative and trusted

Google has been looking for content-based expertise, authority and trust in the web. Google can obtain information about your website, website content and author through structured data, which makes it easier to assess the degree of professionalism, authority and trust of your website.

In the final analysis, Structured data can help your website get more hits

How to Realize Structured Data on Website

Website realizes structured data There are many methods, and Google officially provides structured data help tools. If you don't understand technology, Lao Wei doesn't recommend using it to generate structured data.

Usually, we use the Rank Math plug-in and the Yoast SEO plug-in to easily achieve this goal.

Rank Math plug-in enables Schema (Structured Data)

1、 Install and enable the Rank Math plug-in Then, find and open Schema (Structured Data) on the right side of WordPress background>Rank Math>Dashboard.

 Rank Math plug-in enables Schema (Structured Data)

2. As shown in the figure below, click Titles&Meta, and select Posts and Pages respectively on the right. Or click Settings on the Schema (Structured Data) tab in the figure above to jump to the following page

Select Schema Type according to your website, article and product type. such as Weiss Notes This text based website will choose Article, the foreign trade website will choose Product, the restaurant will choose Restaurant, and the virtual software website will choose Software Application.

The following Article Type, Article (default), blog post,News Article。 Here, Lao Wei chose by default. Blog is suitable for blog websites, so don't choose News Artcle news articles.

Then follow the settings for Pages.

If you have a custom post type, you should also set it.

Remember to save.

3. On the right side of the published post list, you can see the word Schema: Article in SEO Details.

Yoast SEO Plug in Enable Schema (Structured Data)

Install and enable Yoast SEO plug-in Then, on the right side of WordPress background>SEO>Search Appearance, you can see the Posts and Pages tabs.

The default Schema settings are

  • Default Page type: web page;
  • Article type:Article;

The Schema settings function is automatically enabled. The default options are sufficient. Or you can customize your own website articles and page types.

 Yoast SEO Plug in Enable Schema (Structured Data)

How to validate structured data

Publish a post, page or custom article type, and put the published url into https://search.google.com/test/rich-results testing.

The following results show that it meets the requirements of Google structured data.

 Conform to Google structured data requirements

Structured data summary

Based on the above information, we know that, Structured data It is a way to display rich information with high relevance in search results. Google and a number of search engines recommend this rich content. Through SEO plug-in, our blog, foreign trade website, cross-border e-commerce and other online commodity selling websites can optimize structured data for their own websites. The results in SERP are very favorable and can attract more traffic.

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Article name: What is structured data? How does a website implement structured data
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