Automatically shield weights for outbound links and open new windows

WordPress Technology Blog Plug in Introduction News

When we publish articles or add some friendship links, we often add some off site links, but sometimes we don't want these on site links to be grabbed by search engines.

In addition, when we add some links, we sometimes forget to select a new window to open, so that one or two articles will not matter. If we accumulate more, the bounce rate of our site will also increase.

So here is a plug-in that can automatically add nofollow attribute to the off-site link and open the off-site link in a new window, which greatly facilitates our operation.

Nofollow for external link

Automatically add nofollow attribute (rel="nofollow") to the off site links of articles/pages, and open these links in a new window (that is, add target="_blank" attribute). If rel="dofollow" has been manually added to the link, rel="nofollow" will not be added; If target="_blank" is added manually, it will not be added repeatedly.

Click the above title to enter the download page to download, or directly search the plug-in name in the background to install.


If you don't want to add this plug-in, we can use the extracted code to implement this function: Download code file

Copy the code to your functions.php to achieve this function.

I hope this article is helpful to you, thank you for your support!




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  1. Break Xiaoyi reply

    This can be a good thing

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