Looking for the misty rain and the world of mortals, and thinking about poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River
 Random picture API source code - PHP calls all subdirectory pictures randomly

Random picture API source code - PHP calls all subdirectory pictures randomly

I have nothing to do. I saw a lot of people working on random picture APIs. They are very handsome and very pretending... Baidu looks at the php code. I haven't learned any code such as php. It's purely white. I changed a line of code according to the gourd painting ladle. It's simple and rude. I don't know if there is something wrong with it. Note: This code is very handsome. You can use wildcards to represent the path. It's very small. I like me
Wandering the Jianghu 2017-08-11 seventeen thousand two hundred and seventy-eight seven Read more