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[Plug in] Tencent Cloud COS Storage 1.0, customized WebP and other image processing

plug-in unit

Tencent Cloud Cos storage], you can edit the article to upload the picture, upload the picture to the object storage COS and return CDN Domain name, pictures saved in Tencent Cloud Buckets.


adopt Tencent Cloud Object storage image processing to realize image processing in Tencent Cloud Real time style processing conversion is implemented, so that the blog can get a better access experience by using the processed images.

For example, convert a jpg image to a webp image, control the image quality, and achieve the best balance between quality and size - compress the image while ensuring the quality as much as possible.


The following are the new operations after using the plug-in normally.

1. Since I use the object storage V4 version, open the image bucket, select [Image Processing], and the right side prompts me to set more settings【 Data Vientiane 】。

2. After opening the data Vientiane, click on the image bucket, configure [User defined Domain Name], and open CDN , set the anti-theft chain, etc.

3. [Style Management], set the style separator (I set it as! Here), and save the new style (I set it as the style name webp_1920w).

BaiduShurufa_2020-5-26_22-26-2.png [插件]腾讯云cos存储 1.0 ,自定义WebP等图片处理 建站推荐

4. In the background of the blog, Tencent Cloud The cos storage plug-in sets the new custom domain name in the above two steps.

5. Edit the website plug-in file in the server

 zb_users/plugin/qcloud_cos/include. php

On line 15

 return $f->fileName;

Insert style as

 return $f->fileName.'! webp_1920w';

BaiduShurufa_2020-5-26_22-25-36.png [插件]腾讯云cos存储 1.0 ,自定义WebP等图片处理 建站推荐

The uploaded image will return the processed image in the required format and quality.

Title: [Plug in] Tencent Cloud Cos storage 1.0, customized WebP and other image processing
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article uses the "Signature Sharing 4.0 International in the Same Way" Creative Sharing Agreement. Please follow the signature agreement when reprinting or using.
Comment List (2) Comments
 Netizen nickname: better return
Better go home tourist 2020-06-04 reply
Some people's faces are as ugly as an injustice—— Wooden core
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2020-06-04 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style Reply to comment test
