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[Plug in] Z-Blog opens Tencent comment waterproof wall - Tencent cloud verification code

BaiduShurufa_2020-5-24_18-28-43.png [插件]Z-Blog开启腾讯评论防水墙 - 腾讯云验证码 建站推荐

People have been coming to my blog with no traffic to brush comment ads from time to time, which is very annoying. They have opened their own comment verification code, but still some people manually brush it. Now they are connected Tencent Cloud Authenticode service for.

Now comments only need to be verified by sliding the slider image, which is comfortable (∀ `)

The verification code in Tencent waterproof wall has been upgraded to Tencent Cloud Verification code, new users need to go to Tencent Cloud Turn on the service.

Edible method

1. Blog background download [Tencent comment waterproof wall] plug-in

2. To Tencent Cloud   receive Free Admission Package, New Verification, View Details, Basic Configuration, Copy ID and Key

3. The blog background opens the plug-in, fills in the ID and key, and turns off the comment verification code function provided by the blog website.

BaiduShurufa_2020-5-24_18-6-18.png [插件]Z-Blog开启腾讯评论防水墙 - 腾讯云验证码 建站推荐

Tencent Cloud Verification Code

Tencent Cloud An intelligent grading model has been developed, which can, Accurately distinguish trusted, suspicious and malicious users , and uses different authentication methods, so trusted users are exempt from authentication Suspicious users use slider patch verification, malicious users use VTT dynamic semantic verification After Tencent's security big data training for 1 billion users, the model can accurately identify trusted, suspicious and malicious users, and provide different verification experiences, making it easier to pass effective verification and more difficult for machines to do evil.

8a7de841f16d31486e428525233c1ae5.png [插件]Z-Blog开启腾讯评论防水墙 - 腾讯云验证码 建站推荐

That means you can choose to leave it to Tencent Cloud Service machine to host authentication (malicious visitors automatically upgrade advanced authentication code), or you can choose to verify all.

Title: [Plug in] Z-Blog opens Tencent comment waterproof wall- Tencent Cloud Verification Code
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article uses the "Signature Sharing 4.0 International in the Same Way" Creative Sharing Agreement. Please follow the signature agreement when reprinting or using.
Comment List (8) Comments
 Netizen nickname: Kakaxun
Kaka message tourist 2020-06-16 reply
Boss, is there any WordPress!
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2020-06-16 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style WordPress has gone too far. All right, various verification plug-ins
 Netizen nickname: Chen Damao
Chen Damao tourist 2020-05-27 reply
Test before eating. Try Tencent's previous domain name tencent.com
 Netizen nickname: better return
Better go home tourist 2020-05-26 reply
Comment Test
 Netizen nickname: Yu Yi
Yu Yi tourist 2020-05-26 reply
Big Brother 6666, much better than the previous verification code. It's really slick when it's reviewed and released
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2020-05-26 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style Off the shelf plug-ins, not fools
 Netizen nickname: better return
Better go home tourist 2020-05-25 reply
Mobile comment test
