Looking for the misty rain and the world of mortals, and thinking about poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River

[Tencent Cloud] free static website hosting, and 9.9 yuan/year service sponsorship plan!

[腾讯云]免费静态网站托管,另有9.9元/年服务赞助计划! 建站推荐

Tencent Cloud CloudBase cloud development, launched the first serverless static website hosting service in China, opened up a cloud multi terminal scenario, and helped web developers quickly build small applications, H5, mobile APP and other multi terminal applications.

In addition, individual users who like to build static websites can try Yo~

Cloud development: https://console.cloud.tencent.com/tcb/hosting

Static website hosting

The first environment can enjoy 1GB capacity and 5GB traffic per month Free Admission The quota should be sufficient for personal blogs with low visitor volume. If the traffic is large, it doesn't matter. Billing is a pay as you go method based on specific usage. For specific information, you can view the billing price document: https://cloud.tencent.com/product/wh/pricing

Cloud development is provided in the following ways according to different payment modes Free Admission resources:

1. Pay as you go: provided monthly in the form of logical month Free Admission resources

2. Monthly package: provided Free Admission The version of the package is for users to try.

Free Admission And billing instructions

1. When you subscribe to the static website hosting service, you need to subscribe to the pay as you go cloud development environment, which includes other resources. Whether the cloud development environment is equipped with Free Admission Consumption environment, when you do not use these resources, there will be no additional costs.

2. The first environment can enjoy 1GB capacity and 5GB traffic per month Free Admission quota.

3. Static website hosting pay as you go billing is a daily settlement, which settles the fees generated in the previous day every day and outputs bills.

Pay as you go Free Admission quota

Cloud storage capacity: Free Admission 5GB

Cloud database capacity: 2GB free

Cloud function usage: 40000 GBs free per month

Cloud storage resources:

  • Upload request: 600000 free times per month

  • Download request: 1.5 million free times per month

  • CDN Traffic: 5GB free per month

  • CDN Back to source traffic: 5GB free per month

Cloud database resources:

  • Write: 30000 free times a day

  • Read: 50000 free times a day

  • Database traffic single package: 16M

  • Number of simultaneous connections: 1000

  • Number of indexes in a single set: 20

Resources of cloud function:

  • External network traffic: 1GB free per month

  • Number of cloud functions: 50

  • Cloud function concurrency: 1000

affirmative-action program

In order to help developers deploy their own static sites more quickly, from April 13, every technical blog/technical site can enjoy the sponsorship plan of cloud development static website hosting service. As long as you are a technical blog/technical site and migrate to cloud development static website hosting service, you can enjoy 9.9 yuan annual cloud development static website hosting service!

Application address: https://cloud.tencent.com/apply/p/6ibiesvy2lt

[Time]: April 13 July 13, 2020
[Activity object]: technology site/technology blog
Participation Conditions:

1. The station has operated for more than 3 months;

2. The site has been migrated to the cloud development static website hosting service.

The sponsored site hopes to add the official website of the cloud development community (www.cloudbase. net) as your site's friend chain, and at the same time give some exposure on cloud development related technical content/technical activities on the site.

Title: [ Tencent Cloud ]Free static website hosting, and 9.9 yuan/year service sponsorship plan!
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