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[Chinese Style] Legend of Jade Sword - Shadowless, Sword Dancing Immortal

write like an angel 2018-08-29 Browse (35939) Comments (0)

At the school festival in September, the League of Heroes launched this year's "Jade Sword Legend" series of skins in the style of Chinese Fengxianxia as scheduled. Last year, there were Jade Sword Legend - peerless (Fiona, the sword lady), Jade Sword Legend - Wind Fairy (Jiana, the wind lady), Jade Sword Legend - Wuji (Master Jianshenyi).

舞剑仙.jpg [中国风]玉剑传说 - 无影、舞剑仙 妙笔生花

This year, we launched the Jade Sword Legend - Sword Dancing Immortal (female sword Arilia), Jade Sword Legend - Shadowless (male sword Tailong).

无影.jpg [中国风]玉剑传说 - 无影、舞剑仙 妙笔生花

This year's "Jade Sword Legend" skin is more exquisite and beautiful. Compared with last year's skin, it adds more elements and is more plump!

In addition, this year, the theme music "Jade Sword Romance" of "Jade Sword Legend" was launched, with its singers: HITA, Yinlin, Qingnong, Chen Pengjie and Xiaohun.

Very strong, I like Yinlin, Qingnong and HITA! This singing lineup is very strong~

Tencent's event page, Tencent staff who designed the event page, will certainly take the picture apart, wow! So I manually extracted the cut image and re synthesized the complete one. Music is also taken from the official website.

Online disk download

Tencent WeCloud

(All multimedia resources are taken from the official website of League of Heroes)

Title: [Chinese Style] Legend of Jade Sword - Shadowless, Sword Dancing Immortal
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