Looking for the misty rain and the world of mortals, and thinking about poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River

Shangyuan - A thousand trees blossom in the east wind at night, and the stars fall like rain

Cantabile Melody 2018-03-03 Browse (5748) Comments (3)

The Lantern Festival, also known as the Shangyuan Festival, the Little First Moon, the New Year's Eve or the Lantern Festival, is the first important festival after the Spring Festival, which is also a cultural circle of Chinese characters It is one of the traditional festivals of the region and overseas Chinese. The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called the night "Xiao", so the 15th day of the first full moon in the year is called the Lantern Festival.

In ancient Chinese customs, the Lantern Festival (Tianguan Festival, Lantern Festival) Mid Yuan Festival (Diguan Festival, Obon Festival) Xia Yuan Festival (Shuiguan Festival) Ternary knot The Lantern Festival began more than 2000 years ago in the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered that the 15th day of the first month be designated as the Lantern Festival. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the sacrificial activity of "Taiyi God" was scheduled to be held on the 15th day of the first month (Taiyi: the god that dominates everything in the universe). When Sima Qian created the "Taichu Calendar", he had already identified the Lantern Festival as a major festival.

Traditional customs include going out to enjoy the moon, lighting lanterns, guessing riddles, eating Yuanxiao, pulling rabbit lanterns, etc. In addition, many local Lantern Festival also added traditional folk performances such as playing dragon lantern, lion, stilt, rowing a boat, dancing Yangge, playing Taiping Drum, etc. In June 2008, the Lantern Festival was included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage.

 Shangyuan - A thousand trees blossom in the east wind at night, and the stars fall like rain

Shangyuan is an ancient single released by Dong Zhen (Zhen) in 2014. It uses the lyrics from Xin Qiji's "Blue Jade Case · New Year's Eve" and Tang Yin's "Lantern Festival", and Dong Zhen arranges and sings. The song depicts the night tour of the Lantern Festival with bright lights.

If there are lights and no moon, people will not be entertained

When spring comes to the world, people are like jade, and the moon is like silver under the burning lamp

All over the street, women in Zhucui Village are playing music and competing with social gods

If you don't open your mouth and smile, how can you get rid of this good time

The east wind blows down thousands of trees at night, and the stars are like rain

BMW carving cars fill the road with fragrance, the sound of phoenix and flute moves, and the light of jade pot turns into a night of fish and dragons dancing

Moth, snow, willow, golden thread, laughter, light fragrance

I have searched for him for thousands of times, but when I look back, the man is in the dim light

If there are lights and no moon, people will not be entertained

When spring comes to the world, people look like jade, and the moon burns like silver

All over the street, women in Zhucui Village are playing music and competing with social gods

If you don't open your mouth and smile, how can you get rid of this good time

The east wind blows down thousands of trees at night, and the stars are like rain

BMW carving cars fill the road with fragrance, the sound of phoenix and flute moves, and the light of jade pot turns into a night of fish and dragons dancing

Moth, snow, willow, golden thread, laughter, light fragrance

I have searched for him for thousands of times, but when I look back, the man is in the dim light

Moth, snow, willow, golden thread, laughter, light fragrance

I looked for him thousands of times in the crowd. When I looked back, the man was in the dim light

[aplayer url=" https://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=29444047.mp3 " pic=" https://p1.music.126.net/BtpUCwFSxylivmahZ7s9zA==/6635552674208005.jpg?param=130y130 "" title="Shangyuan" author="Dong Zhen" autoplay="true"/]

Title: Shangyuan - A thousand trees blossom in the east wind at night, and the stars fall like rain
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
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Comment List (3) Comments
 Netizen nickname: Uncle Bird
Psy tourist 2018-03-10 reply
Is Shangyuan Festival the Lantern Festival?
 Netizen nickname: Youhun
Wandering soul tourist 2018-03-07 reply
You have also joined the ten-year contract. You can
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2018-03-07 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style I have lived for three years, and soon


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