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[Free] Tencent online game accelerator internal test qualification

News highlights 2017-12-06 Browse (4862) Comments (5)

BaiduShurufa_2017-12-6_16-29-37.png [免费]腾讯网游加速器内测资格 新闻看点

It can only be used by Tencent's computer steward, which can speed up CSGO and chicken eating. However, I don't play either. Taoists who play can try~

BaiduShurufa_2017-12-6_16-29-7.png [免费]腾讯网游加速器内测资格 新闻看点

During the activity, the registration of internal test qualifications will be opened at 14:00 every day, and the number grabbing will stop at 24:00 on the same day.

Time: 2017.12.5~12.15

Activity address: http://guanjia.qq.com/act/client/201712speedup/

(True · Hearsay: Boss Wang's blog

Title: [ Free Admission ]Tencent online game accelerator internal test qualification
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article uses the "Signature Sharing 4.0 International in the Same Way" Creative Sharing Agreement. Please follow the signature agreement when reprinting or using.
Comment List (5) Comments
 Netizen nickname: Yuezhai
Monthly residence tourist 2017-12-08 reply
Do you know the Flying Cat Accelerator, ha ha ha ha ha ge (Sorry, you have to write a website, which is very bad. At least the first two requirements must be filled in.)
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2017-12-08 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style I can water, but water must be of the quality and integrity, that's all. I hope the interviewee will fill in the information naturally. It doesn't hurt. I can change it when I have a headache
 Netizen nickname: Visitor Ji Changxin
Visitor Ji Changxin tourist 2017-12-07 reply
Other accelerators have not expired yet? And no Tencent butler
 Netizen nickname: Hu Junjie
Hu Junjie tourist 2017-12-06 reply
I don't want to play Tencent. I only play NetEase
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2017-12-06 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style Anyway, it's none of my business. I'm not interested in such games
