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How to change the package for old mobile users of China Unicom

Today, the competition among the three operators of China Mobile Unicom is becoming more and more fierce. The three operators have launched various preferential traffic packages to attract new users.

However, these newly launched preferential packages are only available to new users. Old users who upgrade new packages will have various excuses to refuse.

Is there no other way for us to get a new card under such an overlord clause? Let me teach you a move!

The principle of this method is According to a document issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on September 30, 2006, namely [2006] Document No. 630 Article 2 of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China requires that the three major telecom operators can choose to use all the tariff schemes of their own enterprises without changing the number within the same mobile phone ownership area.

Website specified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Circular of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China on Protecting the Option of Mobile Phone User Tariff Scheme

联通电信移动老用户换套餐方法 生活杂谈

With the support of this document, we can reasonably ask the three major operators to replace our old package with the new one we want.

Detailed operation

1. First, call the customer service number of the corresponding operator (100861001010000) and request to change to the new package you want. If nothing unexpected happens, the reply you receive must be: I'm very sorry that it can only be handled by new users. It doesn't matter. Let's continue with the second step.

2. Continue to call the customer service hotline (100861001010000), this time it is a complaint. It is estimated that the answer from the customer service of the operator is still: I'm very sorry, but the old users can't handle it, and it's useless to complain, so let's continue with the third step.

3. Open: http://www.chinatcc.gov.cn:8080/cms/shensus/ Directly complain to the operator, briefly summarize the content, and say that they have communicated with the communication operator several times, but they are rejected by the reason that "old users cannot handle new packages".

Then play freely according to this template:

XX operator launched [XXX] package. As an old user of XX operator, he went to XX business hall/called customer service phone to request package transfer business on X, and hoped to transfer from the current XXX package to XXX package, but was told that he refused to provide package transfer service for old users due to system reasons.

According to Article 2 of the Notice of the Ministry of Information Industry on Guaranteeing the Option of Mobile Phone User Tariff Scheme (XbQ [2006] No. 630) issued by the Ministry of Information Industry on September 30, 2006, mobile communication enterprises should ensure that the original users of the same network of the enterprise are in the same mobile phone ownership area (commonly known as "mobile phone local network"), You can choose to use all the tariff schemes of the enterprise (except those that have stopped developing users) without changing the number. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is requested to further handle the XX (local) branch in accordance with the Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, and assist in handling the package transfer business. thank you.

4. Waiting for the operator's follow-up call

5. The follow-up call usually tells us that the package transfer is being processed

6. Successful transfer to package

7. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also make a follow-up call to confirm whether it has been settled through consultation

According to this operation, you can generally change the package successfully. Those who want to change the package should try it! Otherwise, there is no solution at all.

(The above text is reproduced on the Internet. If you need it, please take a self-test.)

Title: How to change the package for old mobile users of China Unicom
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article uses the "Signature Sharing 4.0 International in the Same Way" Creative Sharing Agreement. Please follow the signature agreement when reprinting or using.
Comment List (4) Comments
 Netizen nickname: life_in_faw
life_in_faw tourist 2017-10-23 reply
It seems that the package can be freely changed soon.
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2017-10-23 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style Unrealistic. It's estimated that it will be a long time
 Netizen nickname: Xiao Ke
Xiaoke tourist 2017-10-18 reply
Good evening, how have you been recently, old friend~
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2017-10-18 reply
@Intoxicated with Chinese style Good evening, salted fish life
