Looking for the misty rain and the world of mortals, and thinking about poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River

I migrated my blog to Vultr today

Wandering the Jianghu 2017-06-23 Browse (5524) Comments (16)

Considering the poor bandwidth of domestic ECS, usually only 1M, and the download speed is only 128KB/S, that is to say, put a 1MB image on the article page, if static resources are not accessed CDN , external link, or object storage. After the article is completely loaded, it will take more than 8 seconds to load. It's too scary~   

So, move the blog to Vultr On the server, NS the domain name to CloudFlare   

So, Vultr Provide large bandwidth, so that website resources can be loaded quickly, and there is no need to engage in fancy domestic CDN , external links and object storage, saving cost and time, and simplifying the website structure. By CloudFlare provide DNS Parsing and CDN Distribution acceleration, and firewalls. (Tencent Dayu's secure domain name Little Green Lock? What rubbish, no more~)  

Feeling after migration

  1. WordPress responds in seconds in the background, previously placed in Tencent Cloud On the student computer, it takes about 5 seconds for the background to click a function to respond

  2. It feels more high-end, grand and upscale~


The student discount offered by domestic cloud computing giants is very good

"Cloud Wing Plan" provided by Alibaba Cloud (Click to enter) Today, I migrated my blog to Vultr. Today, I migrated my blog to Vultr and wandered in the Jianghu   

   "Cloud+Campus" offer by Tencent Cloud (Click to enter)

 Today, I migrated my blog to Vultr. Today, I migrated my blog to Vultr and wandered in the Jianghu Today, I migrated my blog to Vultr. Today, I migrated my blog to Vultr and wandered in the Jianghu

Title: I migrated my blog to Vultr today
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article does not use any agreement authorization, and you can freely reprint or use it in any form.
Comment List (16) Comments
 Netizen nickname: visitor
visitor tourist 2018-07-26 reply
Hello, building owner. I want to ask if the colleague who builds personal blog on this vultr can continue to climb over the wall ("'▽ '")
 Netizen nickname: September
September tourist 2017-06-27 reply
It's a lot faster
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
@Intoxicated with Chinese style Find something to do if you have nothing to do
 Nickname of netizen: Tears of rain
The rain wept away tourist 2017-06-25 reply
1m small water pipe is equipped with cdn, and my speed is OK. One yuan a month is also beautiful
 Netizen nickname: Yuezhai Sauce
Moonhouse sauce tourist 2017-06-24 reply
It is recommended to buy a Japanese VU with a speed of 4M/S in China.
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
This article was published after the move to Vultr's JP node. It is now a 5 dollar version. The previous 2.5 dollar version is not available. It was deleted. Unexpectedly, the 2.5 dollar version has been out of print, and I am still using a 1M small water pipe
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Five student computers are brushing, and I'm afraid
 Nickname of netizen: Tears of rain
The rain wept away tourist 2017-06-23 reply
Seeing that you seem to use dmca, I forgot to tell you what it is
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
I don't know what this thing is for. It seems to be forced
 Nickname of netizen: Tears of rain
The rain wept away tourist 2017-06-23 reply
Well, why is your page under protection? Mine is pending
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
30 days before the page shows protection