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Micro video - video processing, storage and on-demand services with free quota provided by Tencent Cloud

Wandering the Jianghu 2017-03-28 Browse (5589) Comments (1)

Micro video MVS

Micro Video Service provides customized solutions for mobile applications that need to support UGC like small videos and short videos. It can quickly access and support video upload, transcoding, storage and playback through the integrated SDK.

  Tencent Cloud -Micro video service: https://www.qcloud.com/product/mvs

Provide micro video services for video upload, transcoding, storage and playback. Free Admission Quota: 50GB permanent storage space and 50GB download traffic per month.

 Micro video - video processing, storage and on-demand services with free quota provided by Tencent Cloud

  Function introduction

  • Multiple upload strategies

It supports multiple protocol uploads such as HTTP and TCP, and automatically combines the real fragment upload and breakpoint resume server. Mobile users upload from the nearest node.

  • Tencent Seconds Transmission Technology

If the same file is uploaded repeatedly, the copy will be copied directly without the user actually uploading, which greatly speeds up the upload.

  • Through train technology

Instead of domain name resolution, the IP address of the nearest node is issued regularly to save time for resolution and avoid problems such as domain name failure, resolution error or hijacking.

  • Tencent CAP platform

Small and medium-sized operators that access peer-to-peer via public network BGP can reduce the cost of cross network settlement bandwidth, while improving the access efficiency of users of small and medium-sized operators.

  • Persistent transcoding

It provides multiple transcoding resolutions such as HD, standard definition, and universal definition, supports mp4 (H264) encoding transcoding, and can meet 95% of the resolution of mainstream mobile phones.

  • Custom Watermark

All kinds of resolution video can be supported based on adaptive watermarking scheme; Three cover strategies to meet the needs of developers.

  • Usage statistics

Make statistics on the storage space, traffic, data requests, and calculation requests actually used by the business; It is convenient for users to query business usage.

  • Terminal quality monitoring

From the SDK real data reporting, it is clear at a glance the speed and success rate of video uploading and downloading by users in different regions and networks.  

I have bound my own domain name and opened https. I feel that it is enough to store some blog videos! It can be used.

Title: Micro video- Tencent Cloud Provided with Free Admission Quota video processing, storage and on-demand services
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article does not use any agreement authorization, and you can freely reprint or use it in any form.
Comment List (1) Comments
 Netizen nickname: a Tenghua Horse
A Tenghua Horse tourist 2017-05-10 reply
Very good, I didn't pay attention to this business before
