Looking for the misty rain and the world of mortals, and thinking about poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River
 [Music] Tangli Fried with Snow - We can chat with her through the night when we are sleepy

[Music] Tangli Fried with Snow - We can chat with her through the night when we are sleepy

"Tang Li Pan Xue" is an original ancient song sung by Yin Lin, which is included in the album "Corroding Grass into Fireflies". It was written to good friends who used to be so good that they could talk with her through the night when they were sleepy, and it seemed that they had to solve their worries all their life by themselves. Force majeure is always unpredictable, and sometimes the contact will gradually decrease. Anyway, recalling this period of time, people always want to smile, quiet
Cantabile Melody 2017-04-15 seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-two one Read more
 [Music] Koi Copy - You have been wandering in the world for thousands of years, but only let me see you for the last time

[Music] Koi Copy - You have been wandering in the world for thousands of years, but only let me see you for the last time

"Koi Copy" is an online song written by Mu Qingming, composed by Hui Yuanqiong, composed by Yin Lin, played by cotton GG playing erhu, and sung by Yun Shao and Yin Lin. It is the first of the "Strange News Record" series and one of the top ten ancient songs in 2013. Koi Copy was used as the theme song of the new version of Tianming Yuedao, Tianming Fengliu, in 2016
Cantabile Melody 2017-03-20 six thousand six hundred and seven five Read more
 [Music] Wing Chun - Who is watching the scenery, and who sees her?

[Music] Wing Chun - Who is watching the scenery, and who sees her?

Pick up a fallen leaf, look up at the old and new overlapping, tender green, slightly exposed from the top, ignored by the breeze, hesitant to bloom, wandering around, waiting for you to sprinkle everything, the sun is mottled, passing through the new leaves, the mind is empty, yearning is gradually tilted, grass grows, warblers fly, comfort the lonely snow, let go of the cold, timid day, the wind is high, leaving a trace of warmth, don't let go of the current season, flowers hesitate, willows sigh, dare to ask why love hurts Sad green
Cantabile Melody 2017-03-10 four thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven one Read more
 [Music] The Story of Ice Chrysanthemum - If the scenery is picturesque, anyone can stop, and I am elegant

[Music] The Story of Ice Chrysanthemum - If the scenery is picturesque, anyone can stop, and I am elegant

If the scenery is picturesque and anyone can stop, I will pick up thousands of chrysanthemums to dance with her from the elegant endless tea garden. I will use this coolness to answer for you. The picture in the dream in the fog is like an unopened flower. After many hot summers, it can arrive in the lost way. When I feel that you have a firm reason to hold my hand, it will become a flash in the future
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-21 eight thousand five hundred and twenty three Read more
 [Music] Clear Song Flowing from the Source - Lou Mengxi

[Music] Clear Song Flowing from the Source - Lou Mengxi

"Singing in the Wind" Shao Siming&Han Xiaoxi wrote words: Shuixinsha Composed music: Shao Siming Arranged music: Hui Yuan Poor Mix: Hui Yuan Poor: Wind in the water, wind around the beam, vines, roses, incense, bamboo, melodious chords into sleep, who is humming the charm of the ancient town for thousands of years has been forgotten
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-18 five thousand one hundred and fifty-five zero Read more
 [Music] Yongxiang people

[Music] Yongxiang people

The lonely beauty under the moon on the terrace, Hongyan Wuxiao Yongxiang, is in the deep corner of the palace. How many white hairs sigh over the old age and how sad the rain is. Who can see through the beauty, Yilao King, who is not as good as the beauty, who is in red clothes, who keeps a cold smile, who disappoints rouge powder, flowers outside the palace, intoxicating fragrance, looking forward to hearing the music in the future, will be gone
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-18 five thousand six hundred and seventy zero Read more
 [Music] Picking Wei - I went there in the past. Today, I come here. It's snowing heavily. I ask my old friend, can you remember when Gao sang "Picking Wild Grass"?

[Music] Picking Wei - I went there in the past. Today, I come here. It's snowing heavily. I ask my old friend, can you remember when Gao sang "Picking Wild Grass"?

HITA Composer: DATEKEN Fangbei - つむぎたぎたたたたつつむぎぎぎたたたたつつつむぎつ. On a cold night, at the end of the mountain, the red clouds came out of the hill, and by the small stove, the song was inadvertently written. Before the white dew, the wheat is not ripe. It's early autumn
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-18 four thousand five hundred and five zero Read more
 [Music] Qiansi Opera - If you give up a tear, if I can accompany you when you get old, it will become ash in the smoke, and it will go perfectly

[Music] Qiansi Opera - If you give up a tear, if I can accompany you when you get old, it will become ash in the smoke, and it will go perfectly

"Qiansi Opera" is an ancient single sung by Yin Lin and Aki Ajie and released in 2015. By describing the companionship and separation between the puppet Weng and the puppet involved in life, we can tell a story of love. Yin Lin: Laugh at who is relying on beauty to raise prestige and how to match the ringing of the plate with the faint lights between the curtains&n
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-18 seven thousand six hundred and ten three Read more
 [Music] Romantic Destiny - Tianya Moon Blade

[Music] Romantic Destiny - Tianya Moon Blade

Composer: Thousand Grass Immortals Lyrics: Tan Shaoyuan Sings: Fei Village Ke Bei (I'm crazy because of the endless world disputes. Laughing and swearing are all good, but who is romantic with words?) The Duke of Heaven pours a pot of wine into the world. How many heavenly destinies are romantic, elegant, graceful, noble, with noble eyebrows, seven points of madness, and three points of gentleness, truth and falsehood are served for the sake of fame and profit
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-18 five thousand nine hundred and fifty-two zero Read more
 [Music] Sansheng Stone, Sansheng Road

[Music] Sansheng Stone, Sansheng Road

Outside the window, the cold stars and the cold moon, through the long fog, look sad in the mirror of the candle, hair unclothed, plain face, frown, and since ancient times, they have always been mercilessly mistaken for lovesickness, which has lasted for many years. In the past, they have been strangers for three years. They have been strangers for three years. They have been in love for three generations. They have returned to the earth. They have never lost each other. They hope that they will be as beautiful as flowers. Who cares
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-18 four thousand two hundred and sixty-five zero Read more
 [Music] High quality products in the world Hi

[Music] High quality products in the world Hi

"High quality products on earth" is a divine song mixed by Zhang Wei according to 20 popular music, which was released in the 11th issue of Heroes of Earth on Jiangsu Satellite TV. Big Zhang Wei won the title in Heroes of the World with this song, and won the cover golden song for Phoenix Legend Team. Hi, the world's best works is Zhang Wei's best mix based on 20 popular music songs
Cantabile Melody 2017-02-18 four thousand six hundred and fifteen zero Read more