Gradle is attending 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Gradle is 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Gradle won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Apache-2.0
development language Java Groovy View source code »
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Green
intended for unknown
Recording time 2010-12-20

Software Introduction

Gradle is a Apache Ant And Apache Maven Conceptual project automation construction tool, supporting dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven , but it is simpler and lighter. It uses a method based on Groovy Rather than traditional XML.

Currently, its supported languages are limited to Java, Groovy and Scala, and it plans to support more languages in the future.

 usePlugin 'groovy' repositories {     flatDir dirs: "lib" } dependencies {     groovy ':groovy-all:1.7.0'     compile fileTree(dir: 'lib', includes: ['*.jar'])     runtime fileTree(dir: 'lib', includes: ['*.jar']) } // usage: gradle -i run task run(dependsOn: classes) << {     captureStandardOutput(LogLevel.INFO)          classname: 'fox.gem. GroovyClass',         fork: true,         classpath: "${sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath}"     ) }

The above is the content in the building file build.gradle of Gradle. Is it much simpler than Ant's build.xml? This is the power of "convention". From this, we can understand the first feature of Gradle: "CoC (convention is better than configuration)". As long as you follow the conventions of Gradle, you can minimize the contents of the build file.

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Published information
02/05 13:59

Gradle 8.6 Release

Gradle 8.6 is now available. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version supports the configuration of cached custom encryption keys, makes several improvements to build init, and updates the build authoring API. It also provides more useful error and warning information and new APIs for IDE integrators. Configure Cache Improvement Configure Cache Access

Published information
2023/11/30 11:28

Gradle 8.5 released, supporting Java 21

Gradle 8.5 is now available. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. Gradle now supports running on Java 21. This version improves the Kotlin DSL, including faster first use and version directory support in the precompiled Kotlin script plug-in. In addition, it also provides more useful error and alarm messages, improves the build in

Published information
2023/02/14 08:20

Gradle 8.0 release

Gradle 8.0 is now available. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version includes some improvements to the Kotlin DSL; This includes skipping the interpreter of the Kotlin compiler for declarative plug-ins, and upgrading to Kotlin API level 1.8. And some improvements related to the buildSrc construction, such as running the buildSrc task directly, skipping tests, and using

Published information
2022/11/27 07:55

Gradle 7.6 release, project automated construction tool

Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. Gradle 7.6 has now been released. This version includes the use of Java 19 to build and run code, the flag to re run tasks separately, the new strongly typed dependency block for the JVM test suite, and the pluggable system for Java tool chain configuration. New features and usability improvements add support for Java 19 Grad

Published information
2022/08/07 07:55

Gradle 7.5.1 Release

Gradle 7.5.1 has now been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This is the first patch version of the Gradle 7.5 series. It is officially recommended that users upgrade. It fixes the following problem: # 21269 JavaVersion VERSION_18 is still marked as @ Incubating # 21301. It appears when certain types of configuration attributes are passed to Checkstyle

Published information
2021/12/23 07:12

Published by Gradle 6.9.2

Gradle 6.9.2 has now been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This is a patch version of Gradle 6.9, which contains bug fixes for migrating backwards from Gradle 7.2 to Gradle 6. x; The official recommends that users upgrade. It fixes the following problem: # 18163 Fix excludes for substituted dependencies # 18164 POS

Published information
2021/12/17 07:04

Gradle 7.3.2 Release

Gradle 7.3.2 has now been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This is the patch version of Gradle 7.3, and the official recommendation is that users upgrade. It fixes the following problems: # 19300 Mitigation measures for log4j vulnerability in Gradle construction # 19257 Incremental java compilation failure when renaming class names with $characters Log4Shell vulnerability details

Published information
2021/12/04 07:44

Gradle 7.3.1 Release

Gradle 7.3.1 has been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This is the patch version of Gradle 7.3, and the official recommendation is that users upgrade. It fixes the following problems: # 19058 Consider restoring breakthrough changes related to test configurations # 19067 Fix multiple comments found by Micronaut Handle problems Upgrade instructions will build by updating the wrapper

Published information
2021/08/24 07:45

Gradle 7.2 release

Gradle 7.2 is now available. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version adds several usability improvements, such as tool chain support for Scala projects, and improves the build cache hit ratio between operating systems. When encountering problems and fixing some errors, there are also some changes that can make the remote HTTP build cache more resilient. Update details

Published information
2021/08/08 07:44

Gradle 7.2 RC2 released

Gradle 7.2 RC2 has been released. This version adds several usability improvements, such as tool chain support for Scala projects, and improves the build cache hit ratio between operating systems. In addition, when encountering problems and fixing some errors, some changes can make the remote HTTP build cache more resilient. New functions and usability improvements Java tool chain of Scala project supports the retention of escape sequence when copying files Improve the certificate processing based on HTTP header authentication Dependencies and DependencyInsight support the configuration of name abbreviation version Directory improvement Support statement sub -

Published information
2021/07/04 07:53

Gradle 7.1.1 Release

Gradle 7.1.1 has been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. V7.1.1 is a patch version of Gradle 7.1, which fixes the following problems: # 17488 Many Micronaut builds fail when using NPE of Gradle 7.1 and JDK 8 # 17548 [Configure Cache] task is not the latest SantaTracker # 17542 [Configure Cache]

Published information
2021/06/16 07:49

Gradle 7.1 release

Gradle 7.1 is now available. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version improves incremental Java compilation and makes it easier to configure Groovy, Scala and Antlr sourcesets in the Kotlin DSL. In addition, there are some new deprecations and minor improvements to make Gradle easier to use. Improved Java incremental compilation Gradle has

Published information
2021/04/12 07:07

Gradle 7.0 release

Gradle 7.0 is now available. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. The file system monitoring function is enabled by default in this version, making your incremental build faster; Extended support for building projects using Java 16; It also adds support for building on Macs using Apple Silicon processors (such as M1). At the same time, this version also introduces ce

Published information
2021/01/23 08:14

Gradle 6.8.1 was released, and Kotlin DSL script compilation performance was improved

Gradle 6.8.1 has been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version greatly improves the performance of Kotlin DSL build script compilation, improves Java tool chain support, including vendor selection, and makes it easy to perform any task in composite build directly from the command line. This version also introduces a new dependency management AP

Published information
2021/01/11 07:03

Gradle 6.8 release, disable TLS v1.0 and v1.1 protocols

Gradle 6.8 has been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version significantly improves the performance of Kotlin DSL build script compilation, and adds several improvements to Java tool chain support, including vendor selection; It also makes it easy to perform any task in a composite build directly from the command line. It also introduces a new dependency management AP

Published information
2020/11/18 08:18

Gradle 6.7.1 released, fixing serious errors in 6.7

This is a patched version of Gradle 6.7, which fixes several serious errors in Gradle 6.7. The updated content includes: fixing the reverse migration tool chain errors, fixing the problems after installing Openjdk-11, The failure of the Java tool chain on ubuntu was upgraded to the local platform 0.22-Milestone 9 to fix the problem. In some cases, the problem caused the Linux file system monitoring thread to stop. The official recommendation is that users use Gradle 6.7.1 on the initial version of Gradle 6.7. Upgrade instructions Switch the build to use Gradle 6.7.1:. by updating the wrapper/ gradlew wrapper --gradle-v...

Published information
2020/10/17 19:02

Gradle 6.7 release, incremental construction improvement

Gradle 6.7 has been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version mainly improves the performance, especially for incremental builds. The file system monitoring feature introduced in Gradle 6.5 can now be enabled in the production environment. After enabling this feature, the construction speed of large projects can be increased by up to 20%. On the other hand, before

Published information
2020/10/02 22:10

Gradle 6.7 RC 2 released, the file system monitoring feature can improve the performance by 20%

Gradle 6.7 RC 2 has been released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. This version mainly improves the performance, especially for incremental builds. The file system monitoring feature introduced in Gradle 6.5 can now be enabled in the production environment. After enabling this feature, the construction speed of large projects can be increased by up to 20%. on the other hand...

Published information
2020/08/18 07:45

Gradle 6.6 was released, introducing the configuration cache feature, greatly improving the construction performance

Gradle 6.6 was released. Gradle is an automated project construction tool based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It supports dependency management and multiple projects, similar to Maven, but simpler and lighter. It uses a Groovy based domain specific language to declare project settings, rather than traditional XML. The biggest highlight of this version is the introduction of an experimental option: Configuration caching, which is a major performance optimization feature that enables Gradle to skip the configuration phase of the build and start executing tasks as soon as possible. Configure Cache Before running any task, G

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