GitHub is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
GitHub in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
GitHub won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Free, non open source
development language Ruby
operating system Cross platform
Software type freeware
Open source organizations GitHub
region Unknown
deliverer sweet potato
intended for unknown
Recording time 2010-05-21

Software Introduction

  Recommended Faster, direct project deployment, Android automatic construction!
The private library is permanently free and provides mobile clients. It is the first code hosting platform in China that supports both Git and SVN.)

How to import Github warehouse by one click:

GitHub can host various git libraries and provide a Web interface SourceForge Or Google Code This service is different. GitHub's unique selling point is the ease of branching from another project. It is very simple to contribute code to a project: first click the "fork" button on the project site, then check out the code and add the changes to the code base just allocated, and finally apply to the project leader for code consolidation through the built-in "pull request" mechanism.

Git It is a distributed version control system, originally written by Linus Torvalds for the management of Linux kernel code. Since its launch, Git has also achieved great success in other projects, especially in the Ruby community. At present, including Rubinius And Merb Git is used in many well-known projects. Git can also be used by deployment tools such as Capistrano and Vlad the Deployer.

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Published information
04/30 10:12

GitHub releases AI native development tool GitHub Copilot Workspace

GitHub announced the launch of GitHub Copilot Workspace technology preview. With Copilot Workspace, developers can brainstorm, plan, build, test, and run code in natural language. Its working principle is as follows: everything starts from a task. Open the GitHub Copilot Workspace from a GitHub Issue, Pull Request or warehouse. (The screenshot shows an issue in the octoacademy warehouse.) The development of the plan goes from task progress to standardized steps, outlining the goals you want to achieve through Copilot Workspace. These steps are editable, allowing you to

Published information
02/22 10:30

StarkNet scatters money, and the programmer gets 140000 yuan in Web3

StarkNet launches an air drop event, and GitHub's top 5000 open source project contributors can receive a reward worth $200. Background StarkNet public chain project launched air drop activities to encourage developers to participate in its platform construction. If you have submitted PR to projects with more Stars on GitHub, you are eligible for 111.1 STRK air drop award. You only need to log in with OAuth 2.0 to get it directly. Some programmers showed their awards in this air drop activity - nearly 140000 yuan.

Published information
01/10 10:43

Several GitHub services failed

Several GitHub services failed yesterday, which is reflected in HTTP 5xx errors in many APIs, with the error rate increasing by 1% to 5%. The services involved include but are not limited to: Codepackages Packages Webhooks Git Operations Pages API Requests Actions Pull Requests From the accident report page, GitHub's solution at that time was to isolate relevant problems to a data center for processing. I wonder if the recent frequent failures of GitHub are related to upgrading MySQL? has run more than 1200 MySQL hosts. How can I seamlessly upgrade to 8.0? Extended reading: G

Published information
2023/12/30 11:05

GitHub Copilot Chat Official GA

Earlier this year, GitHub launched Copilot Chat; A programming centric chat robot similar to ChatGPT is suitable for organizations subscribing to Copilot for Business. Not long ago, the beta version of Copilot Chat was also launched for individual users of Copilot, charging $10 per month. Today, GitHub has announced that GitHub Copilot Chat is now widely applicable to Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio, and can also be used for free by verified teachers, students and maintainers of popular open source projects. "All GitHub Copilot individual users are now

Published information
2023/10/28 18:44

Foreign prices are high, only 50 GitHub stars can be bought for $6

Wired magazine published an article "The GitHub Black Market That Helps Coders Check the Popularity Contest", which introduced the underground black market of trading GitHub Stars. The popularity of GitHub platform hosting project can open a door for some programmers and start-ups to gain attention, influence and reputation through Stars. However, stars sold on the underground black market provide a "fake" way for them to cheat. These fake stars can help programmers and startups to make a good impression when contacting investors or looking for jobs. According to

Published information
2023/06/30 12:13

GitHub went down briefly this morning

GitHub had a short outage early this morning. Its network status history page shows that the accident was mainly caused by GitHub Action service problems, but the specific problems and accident analysis have not been disclosed yet. Last year, GitHub also experienced frequent downtime. The problem at that time was that MySQL was overwhelmed at the peak load. For details, click here.

Published information
2023/06/25 18:50

Millions of GitHub warehouses may be vulnerable to RepoJacking attacks

A recent research report of Aqua Nautilus points out that millions of GitHub repositories may be vulnerable to RepoJacking attacks, and attackers can execute code in the internal environment of the organization or the environment of its customers. Researchers analyzed a total of 1.25 million GitHub repository samples and found that about 2.95% were vulnerable to RepoJacking attacks; There are some repositories from Google, Lyft and other companies. Based on this percentage, the total number of GitHub warehouses is more than 300 million. Researchers estimate that this problem has affected about 9 million projects. At present, Aqua has sent a message to all

Published information
2023/02/09 07:40

To break the lead between China and the United States, GitHub CEO: Open source developers should be exempt from the EU AI Act

GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke recently commented on the upcoming AI Act of the European Union at the EU Open Source Policy Summit held in Brussels, saying that open source developers should be exempt from this act, and emphasized the importance of open source in the development of European AI. The EU AI Act was first proposed in April 2021 and formally approved by the European Council on December 6 last year. It is expected to be reviewed by the European Parliament as early as March this year; It aims to promote innovation and set a global standard for AI technology. A legislator in charge of the AI Act said that the EU

Published information
2023/01/22 09:26

GitHub will stop supporting Subversion next year

GitHub announced that it will stop supporting Subversion (SVN) on January 8, 2024, and the updated GitHub Enterprise Server will also implement this change. On April 1, 2010, GitHub announced its support for Subversion, which was once regarded as an April Fool's Day joke. At that time, the centralized version control system was the mainstream, SVN had also been born for more than 10 years, and the distributed version control system Git was a relatively new role. No one can predict that the distributed version control system will eventually dominate the world, let alone that Git has become the dominant player. Therefore, by

Published information
2022/11/04 15:57

GitHub is sued

Last month, we reported that an open source software author, together with several excellent lawyers, was preparing to initiate a class action lawsuit against GitHub Copilot - the reason was that it violated its legal responsibilities to open source authors and users. Now this event has made new progress. Today, they announced that they had initiated a class action lawsuit in the U.S. Federal Court in San Francisco, California, and expressed their doubts about the legality of GitHub Copilot (and the related product OpenAI Codex that supports Copilot). The defendants in this lawsuit include GitHub, Microsoft and OpenAI. The prosecution believes that GitHub Copilot is based on the public GitHub warehouse

Published information
2022/10/26 10:27

Microsoft: GitHub now has an annual revenue of 1 billion dollars and 90 million active users

GitHub is an online software source code hosting service platform, which uses Git as version control software and is written by developers Chris Wanstrath, P. J. Hyett and Tom Preston Warner using Ruby on Rails. In 2018, GitHub was acquired by Microsoft. At present, the world famous open source projects have built warehouses on the Github platform, such as Linux, LLVM, Golang, Python, Rust, etc. Domestic well-known projects such as TiDB also carry out daily development in Github. And emerging open source projects also use Github as the preferred platform, such as Ant's cloud native oriented KusionStack programmability

Published information
2022/10/19 08:31

Open source software author picks up the lawyer's license and prepares to sue GitHub Copilot

An open source software author decided to sue GitHub Copilot. Matthew Butterick is a programmer with multiple identities. He has been deeply involved in the open source community since 1998. He has worked in Red Hat for two years. He is also a writer, designer and lawyer. Matthew is currently a contributor to Racket, and he has written a lot of open source software (hosted in the self built warehouse), including for publishing online books

Published information
2022/09/09 08:40

The impact of GitHub Copilot on developer productivity and happiness index

It has been more than a year since GitHub launched the GitHub Copilot technology preview last year to officially go online this year. How helpful is this tool, which calls itself "AI programming assistant", to developers? The GitHub Next team studied this problem by means of investigation and experiment, and said that expected and unexpected results were obtained. The GitHub Next team said that because AI aided development is a relatively new field, its researchers have no existing cases to refer to. So when they want to evaluate the impact of GitHub Copilot on developers, they don't know where to start. On the user

Published information
2022/09/02 14:01

Microsoft "Chopper Department" starts, GitHub Trending will be taken off the shelves soon

The GitHub Trending page suddenly hung a notice announcing "going offline": Heads up! This Trending tab is being predicted. Due to low usage of Trending Repositories and Trending Developers, this tab will no longer be available beginning September 30, 2022. For questions and feedback, please visit the GitHub Community, The reason is Trending Repository

Published information
2022/08/05 08:52

GitHub has more than 35000 malicious attack files/clone warehouses

Twitter user @ Stephen Lacy found that there are large-scale malicious attacks of confusion on GitHub. At present, there are more than 35000 malicious files/clone repositories on GitHub, including well-known projects such as crypto, golang, python, js, bash, docker, and k8s. These malicious files/clone repositories will be accompanied by a line of malicious code: hxxp://ovz1.j19544519.pr46m.vps.myjino [.] ru It not only discloses the user's environment variables, but also contains a one-way backdoor that will send the entire ENV, such as scripts, applications, laptops (electronic applications), to the attacker's server

2022/07/02 08:19

Utilize FOSS proprietary profit, SFC: give up GitHub, the time has come!

The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) released a long article entitled "Give Up GitHub: The Time Has Come!", announcing that it has stopped using Microsoft's GitHub and calling on all FOSS developers to leave the platform. SFC mainly uses self managed Git repository, but uses GitHub to mirror its repository. "We will end all our use of GitHub and announce a long-term plan to help FOSS project migrate from GitHub. Although we will not force existing member projects to migrate now, we will not accept that

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